ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]


The mods yeeted the game mid way thorugh

Look, I donā€™t give a shit if yā€™all are from a different forum, just means I canā€™t read yā€™all, now seriously fuck off with that shit if you want to say that again.

Iā€™m good with the Wazza lynch

Well, of course you are. Youā€™re the only one voting it, right now.

I voted Marshal because that slot is justā€¦ bleh.
They are also and have been my top scumread throughout the game, and I think they flip scum most of the time. Iā€™m also not entirely sure about my scumread on you.

Ill sheep that

/vote wazza

now why are we voting wazza?

can we settle down before this gets out of hand

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And I swear to god if I wake up to sheeps.

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Give a good reason youā€™re voting for me and maybe I will

:newspaper_roll: Well this shifted out of nowhere. Mee sa no likey

Iā€™m this close to blowing up on you, Darth.

Also why are we voting Wazza what

Nice crosspost

as a fan of peaceful games, letā€™s not blow up on people

All of what Iv seen from Wazza these past few min is just bad

Oh boy I was close to blowing up before, letā€™s both not do that tho

Also anyone got a vc


Everyone typing: stops typing


I explained my read.
You did not explain your defense.
You keep saying that you are defending yourself with a vote, WHEN THATā€™S NOT A FUCKING DEFENSE.
Thatā€™s just you being a fucking sheep and acting like itā€™s all okay and thatā€™s your defense. Oh look, if I vote Derps right now, Iā€™m IMMEDIATELY cleared from being lynched today and it confirms me as Town.

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON ABOUT? You canā€™t tell me to explain something, which I already stated in my post and posts after that, that you are scum and that I put you as my highest scumread means that I canā€™t vote you? Oh what you want me to vote Squid despite the fact I put her as a mix of both.

Why donā€™t you explain why I SHOULDNā€™T vote you instead of getting me to explain my vote on you when I HAVE ALREADY FUCKING DONE THAT.

Now, goodnight.

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