ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

admittedly this falls under the ‘doubt’ argument too since i fully acknowledge that jakes reaction is probably NAI for him, but coming right after candlelight i don’t think he’d do the exact same thing as scum two games in a row

If you are scum then revealing the vet is definitely worth it

why tho
we have >12 hours left, we can create new wagons
asking to narrow down wagons is common for scum to do in T/T

Genuine anger can be hard to control.

EDIT: contril -> control

I’m going to stay up for four more hours (Curse you, Tabimatsu), so if the wagons haven’t changed at all and I actually agree with one of them, I’ll vote it

I was concerned about Eevee when they outed two PRs, but also I don’t see outing your soft claims as a scum move, they would just put that in the scum chat. Eevee may be solo scum, but I find unlikely as well, as witch would just use your softs to their advantage without stating it, and sk/arso would probs just note it and move on.

Generally eevee’s reasoning has been on point. I definitely think they should pass D1, I’d like to dig a bit deeper into their posts tomorrow tho


Do you think that Darth/Jake/Marshal are viable wagons?

Revealing the vet isn’t worth it when you don’t know if one is even in the game on day one
if you claim vet and there is one, congrats you did a 1 for 1 trade which is fundamentally worse for scum in balanced mafia games. Now the vet is just someone you leave alone and no town will die to the vet either, so they are essentially an innocent child. If there is no vet, congrats you’re stuck with a claim that means you can’t be seen visiting someone else and witch will control random people into you which could result in death

eevee is a strong player but their push on me is logical and isn’t sudden (they’ve been shading me a while) so unless i was picked to be a mafia mislynch from the very start of the (in game) day then i don’t see eevee being mafia

Since we seem to all be in agreeance on eevee and on squid for the most part (at least not enough opposition to start a wagon, sorry cheese), where else should we be looking rn? I think eevee has made a compelling argument for katze, and I’m inclined to look into Jake, although I’m willing to check out other slots if that would be more beneficial for the group.

Aren’t you voting me?

I understand if people don’t wanna dig into the Jake/marshal conflict yet

I wouldn’t say Darth’s wagon is viable, but I don’t oppose the other two.

I feel a lot more confident in Sulit being scum, so I hope I’m not the only one actually willing to get deep into their posts

Okay, why am I scum?

For only pushing you?

I am, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be productive while I’m voting for you. I’m hoping I’ll find some more compelling evidence in my reads now that I actually have time to make them, or alternating look into your slot and figure things out there

Where’s Arete when you need them

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Can you look through me since I’m here right now?


It’ll probs be a skim tho since I’m assuming you’re on a time limit


squid is town


sulit is town

stop this bickering

this is dumb

And I’m down to look into Sulit as well after I finish with jake

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