ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Votee Voted by Votes
Arete clonedcheese 1/10
Possessed Anjic89 1/10
JakeTheWolfie jmwjmw27, Marshal 2/10
darth_tabor sulit, Frostwolf103, katze, Wazza 4/10
clonedcheese Arete 1/10
katze eevee 1/10
sulit PoisonedSquid, darth_tabor 2/10
Marshal Possessed, JakeTheWolfie 2/10
Wazza SirDerpsaLot, Bepwei 2/10
Diggity69 Universal 1/10
Currently abstaining players Diggity69, Andrej 2

Itā€™s very specific enough as it is.

i have a reason to doubt the claim due to the way they presented it, but that may just be due to the player

Iā€™m ok with switching to the Jake wagon, heā€™s been pretty scummy and it aligns with my sulit/jake theory

I feel bad abt not looking into his case for marshal tho

Iā€™m also up for other proposals if we have enough people to do it, but I donā€™t think enough people believe me

Might I interest you in my ~fun~ history of claiming power and still dying 1-2 days in lmao

And itā€™s only when Iā€™m town, and almost always when Iā€™m power bc Iā€™ve only ever rolled VT once

@Arete What do you think? There is no time to CC but if he lives today and no one CCā€™s him then his claim could be legit.

Yuk, I am still not awake calling Darth a him.

I mean, sheā€™s claiming random town so her claim is less meaningful

but also, there are exactly 5 or 6 PRs, and at least one has to be a protective (when we still havenā€™t had any claim) so if sheā€™s fakeclaiming sheā€™ll usually be outed in a couple days anyway?

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the thing is, youā€™re claiming a TS that isnā€™t medium

both which can be faked by mafia

the nature of the reveal makes me think youā€™re mafia with a consort or prankster

That is why it takes CC to take her out.

I vaguely remember someone (I think it was Kat) having a reason earlier to think Darth wasnā€™t a PR but I donā€™t remember what that reason was

Hi can I learn where darth claimed a PR

i said that about a few people but i donā€™t think darth was one of them

Possessed said my slot wasnā€™t power I believe

The thing is that escort/transpo are somewhat fakeable (escort moreso due to the uniqueness issue) but ā€˜okay we have 4 dead PRs and 4 PR claimsā€™ is less so

technically itā€™s overcomable with a janitor janitoring exactly unclaimed PRs but

If I were medium Iā€™d just take the lynch bc Iā€™d still be able to do a seance


youā€™ve already made it clear youā€™re not medium