ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Nooo that’s awful :frowning:

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What convinced you about Jake? Do you remember the posts?

that I should’ve just made up my mind before going to sleep

of the people with meaningful amounts of votes I think sulit is town and will vote accordingly

but unless half the Mafia is AFK I kinda feel like a couple of them would have just voted the sulit wagon in W!Darth worlds? I do scumread some of said wagon but there is at the very minimum at least one Mafia not voting it just based on numbers, not even on reads

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So is Katze or Diggity scum?

My newest kitty cat in my cat family of 7



I can’t remember one specific post other than that it started with the whole witch thing (not where he claimed witch but where some thought he TMI’d) and just kinda snowballed there with each post he made
I responded to a lot of them if you want I can try to get them all back

I TR Katze

Diggity is null

No one has been CCing (No time left for now)

So Digg is scum to you then by Proccess of Elimination?


i love you and your entire family

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I need to head to the bus aa

diggity hasn’t posted in 71 and a half hours



I disagree with your take on sulit, but I do see your point.

I find it kinda off putting that most of the people here this morning completely disregarded the PR claim. At least last night y’all actually gave it some thought bc it has weight

there’s room in my PoE for a couple town

also I don’t want to lynch a zeroposter today

@katze Disguiser can ‘swap’ results but it doesn’t change places.

that’s what town KP is for
sadly we might not have a vigilante

I don’t think that’s something W!Darth can utilize day one

Hey y’all does anyone actually have a reason or case as to why I’m scum? Bc it feels like it’s just assumed by some of you and I don’t like that so close to EoD

I kinda want to CFD somewhere but I don’t really know where to given that no one else is really feeling Cheese

between sulit and darth I think I’ll vote here
/vote Sulit
Don’t really like either wagon but don’t really have a choice