ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

I am more torn now. Marshal doing this type of antic is unseen of for me. I haven’t seen him pull something this time-consuming off.

But at the same time, considering how people keep talking about his habits, this just seems like a new precedent Marshal is trying to pull off. If anything, this could’ve been to see if specific people would try and defend Arete and possibly get an Arete scum slip since he seemed so sure of it before going off the quotes brought up earlier

I mean it’s truth.

Give me one game where Marshal didn’t fps without plan how to take it forward.

Danganronpa FM

Something which wasn’t canned n1.

Blood on the Forums

For your information, it was canned N2

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to be fair he was faking Masons that game

And on blood ont he forums he was fakeclaiming at first as well, remember?

Yeah, but he didn’t do a full on FPS extravaganza because he was confirmed D1

I don’t remember that, the only serious fakeclaim I remember was Italy claiming Monk to you

At this point I am unsure of to vote for Marshal just because of the whole FPS he did. It makes no sense, but at the same time its always been there hasn’t it? The thought that he would actually do something like this

Just because scum!marshal hasn’t done something, doesn’t automatically mean that scum!marshal would never do something.

I didn’t mean to reply to you Squid. I don’t know why it did that.

So yeah… I named a game where Marshal didn’t FPS without a plan. Eevee, give me my money

anyways at this point I want to know Marshal’s N1 info

I don’t actually think he can fake a sufficiently Darthy perspective without being able to talk to her

Marshal only revealed his role when he did a shoot.

Earlier he was claiming other shit, and when people got tired of it, he had to shoot before being “lynched”.
That’s also what saved him from being lynched then.

Just because town!Marshal hasn’t done something, doesn’t mean town!Marshal would never do something

That’s why I’m not saying I townread him for it.
I’m just rechecking it from new PoV.

Being adaptive and shit.

Since both of those cancel out, Meta is useless

Then just ignore it and reevaluate?

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