ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Just because Neutral!Marshal hasn’t done something, doesn’t automatically mean that Neutral!Marshal would never do something

just because Marshal hasn’t done something, doesn’t automatically mean that Marshal would never do something.

@Marshal Do a backflip off of the Eiffel tower and land in Nazi germany where poland invades.


Brb need to douse a fire.

Oh rain does it for me, nevermind then.


is everything alright?

I just can’t believe Marshal would do this as scum. Then again, this may just be a case of reverse psychology

Random lightning hit a tree in my garden.

So… yeah?

Also backup batteries are on, so something wrong outside, but thats not my problem.

It’ll be fiiine.

You house will burn doooown.

But it’ll be fiiiine.

Marshal! Come back faster! REEEEEEEEE

Or we could just discuss why to lynch one of those new people with funny names

So I dont have to learn random letters which they facerolled on keyoboard to get as theirs nicknames.

at least you never have to wonder which jmwjmw27 you’re talking to :upside_down_face:

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if you pretend for the moment that you don’t know Katze’s flip, what would you make of this sequence of posts?

In my honest opinion, I have been getting Jake scum vibes throughout this whole time. His input and the timing of it. It feels off. I don’t know, it just feels like he is being super aggressive with Marshal despite him also knowing how Marshal should be in terms of his meta. In fact, if Jake were to be town, I feel like he would be aggressive to every role. Right now, he just seems hyper-focused on Marshal.

This could also be due to the whole 2 days being spent on the Marshal Arete thing. But at this point Jake just seems to be very pushy with the Marshal lynch

I am going to bed guys. I’ll try to vote in the morning before EoD. Goodnight guys

Oh I’m sorry my lord, shall I not push whom I think is evil? I apologize for trying to help, your highness. I’ll stop pushing on anyone just for you.

i will help you
to be clear this is a joke please don’t @ me

i will now be paying my respects to the chat, which has died abruptly

I don’t think Marshal’s going to answer my question before the day’s over… Shit