ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

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Darth have at least got a read right on Katze, Possessed gets another attention.

I did get a correct read on Katze too

I’m bored.

How about we just ping random people and force them to claim.


@jmwjmw27 claim something so I can refer to you by role and not by me trying to remember your weird name with random signs.

It’s totaly not cause by me not remembering yours and one more guy name which started with a and had weird numbers in the end.


That guy.

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I actually rememeber him for something but I dont rememeber what was it for.

One thing is certainly, Marshal nearly throw Arete under the bus, it’s not funny.

Im not gonna care.

For now, I agree with this. Meaning his vote probably wasn’t that genuinely based on his own reads and may have been sheeped based on the darth seance.

I’ll come to my own conclusions as to who to vote for later.

For now,

You can talk about and build up circle of bias with other people.

I’m gonna be open minded.

Also, he is probably not that stupid as scum.
Or rather he is that stupid as town only?

Ehh… it was stupid, okay.

N.1 I feel for you, friend.

It would be weird to disagree woth person which townreads you, duh.

It is a bit annoying to have subbed into a spot whose previous owner bungled things so tremendously, I give you that.

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Thing is - bungling things in itself is not scummy or townie.

That’s just a fact.

The way he aproaches it can be read into.
But pretty much never read into facts itself.

I agree.

Once again - would be weord if you didn’t agree, considering your situation.

That is true.
Seems we’re talking in circles at this point.

it took an hour for my pain to die down which is sending mixed signals on if i’m in danger or not

The odd thing is the dead speak? I believe it.


Town Invest- Arete/Eevee
Town Protect - Sulit
Town Kill - Squid
Random Town - Tabor (conf.)
Random Town - Cloned/Arete/Eevee/N.1
Random Town - Cloned/Arete/Eevee/N.1

3 open spots for 4 claims. The lynch falls between Cloned/Arete/Eevee/N.1