ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

I know, I was trying to find my PoE list I had on my posts.

And no I am not capable to put accurate number and expect to lynch exactly like the classes I provided.

I am positive that Cloned has to be Consort. (Actually for some reason if you got pranked, then why would two mafia visit you?)


Bepwei was pranked, not me.

Possessed is not fond of my approach for days now, I donā€™t think he ever changed his view on me.

There is a mention that if I wanted to post cat pictures to Katze, it would be on scum chat, no?

Explain that @Possessed

Hmm. Where?

Thatā€™s my cat picture

Iā€™m willing to re-evaluate my D1 read on you, Frost. I had Katze TR so I wouldnā€™t have thought anything of that interaction on D1, but now I suppose it does give you a bit of towncred. It gets lumped into the ā€œKatze scum-memeing with townā€ group consisting of Myself, Arete and you.

You even liked my cat picture the second time I posted, this is the third time.

I wonder what happened in your mind that day.

Thatā€™s her only real response. Iā€™m not sure if you can justify that youā€™d only post pictures to scum chat though. I donā€™t know how you think, but I personally feel its a good move to draw an interaction with a scum partner publically. For all intents and purposes, the interaction is NAI.

Just because I like your kitty doesnā€™t mean I like your approach :woman_shrugging:

Now you mentioned, what approach?

May I ask, why am I in your PoE?

Surely itā€™s not about Katze?

Give me some time to dig up. Its mainly pocket-y observations, quite possibly in an effort to not draw ire from players. I know how much you hate getting tunneled

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Not sure if itā€™s a PoE, but it is definitely a mechanical listing.
If there are not any hiding PRā€™s, then there is one scum among the six PR claims and the other four scum are among the 10 players that have not claimed PR.

  • the other five

Currently, there are 5 PR, 6 VT, and 5 scum alive.

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Marshal Nr.1 is eliminated from PoE, Possessed is added.

So thatā€™s JakeTheWolfie, Bebwei, Sulit, Arete, ClonedCheese and Possessed.

Bebwei claimed pranked by Prankster, until flipped otherwise, I am leaving the possibility open that he may have lied.

Heā€™s still the first voter, so I am going to add him as well.

So thatā€™s JakeTheWolfie, Bebwei, Sulit, Arete, ClonedCheese, Possessed and Italy.

Weā€™ve wasted time for Arete being Mafia killer by ā€˜Marshalā€™ findings, but I am leaving this open on PoE.

*nope it was the other four
apologies for my lacking arithmetic

I am not born yesterday, thereā€™s 3 mafia, 1 SK and 1 Witch, thatā€™s 5

His FPS is kicking again.

4 outta 9 and heā€™s referring to non-PR roles.