ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Oh thanks

Wait its all bolded FeelsBad

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Justā€¦read the last part.

So citizen had a 1 in 5 chance of spawning and the other roles had a 1 in 10 each, or 4 in 5 overall.

If citizen randed before the third RT slot was rolled, for the remaining rolls, the non-citizen roles each had a 1 in 8 chance of spawning for the remaining 1-2 RT rolls.

Sounds about right.

So now we are between n.1 and Jake?

So yes, thereā€™s a higher chance of scum being 2 in Arete/Cheese/N.1/Eevee, but its all chance.

It also means 1 of Eevee/Arete is guaranteed legitimate.

Technically. I donā€™t know how serious the votes on each are. Mine isnā€™t very serious.

Only double the chance of another singular role.
So 1 in 5 compared to 1 in 10 each / 4 in 5 put together

Not extremely significant. 64 in 125 chance (slightly over half) that no RT spawned, assuming true randomness.

*that no citizen spawned as RT

That actually increased to 16/25 = 64% since we know darth was escort
If you believe Iā€™m medium, then it would be 4/5 = 80% that no citizen spawned as RT.

With cheese flipping most likely scum, we can focus on the citizens/no claimed

so you scumread jake more than cheese atm?

And what if its Arete or Eevee? Or weā€™ve been duped by N.1? Eevee has a point, and right now Witch has a few targets to decide who to redirect. Us lynching couldā€¦omg wait.

What are the odds Andrej/Italy slot is hardcore TRing Arete because they Witched them and found their role?

Cheese is cornered unless he can prove he is town.

zero, weā€™ve been through this already, Witch doesnā€™t find out roles in this set-up

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Then why are you voting for Jake instead of cheese

Literally disregard this. I heard someone mention Witch learns roles but thatā€™s not true.

When everyone completely abandons reads and just discusses what ifs and percentages