ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Literally Eevee called out Katze for un-liberally being unsure.

omg scumslip checkmate scum

to be clear that was a joke

why would you feel the need to clarify? :thinking:
Itā€™s a scumslip!!! /s

I mean, being unsure about your reads means that you arenā€™t responsible for being wrong. As scum, that means you arenā€™t held accountable for your mislynches.

can you explain your Frost read, like, at all

Iā€¦ did?


sniff :^)

I mean, I canā€™t point at one particular game and go ā€œThis is Frostā€ since heā€™s not playing like any one particular game.

Areteā€™s Defense of Frost here feelsā€¦ unnatural.

okay but like

what about the meta is similar

thatā€™s for Jake obviously, even though itā€™s a reply to Cheese

Telling you a specific part is like saying when exactly a smooth blend of colors becomes strictly one color over the other. You kinda canā€™t.

Youā€™re asking me to draw an arbitrary line in the sand that I donā€™t even know where to begin.

also quick thought, since weā€™re talking about metas

Is anyone bothered by the fact that Marshalā€™s (Not N.1, marshal) claim that they had softed medium by saying ā€œM E T Aā€ seems forced?

Might be slight meta read here, but this is not a soft, because in almost all Graeco-Roman languages, the prefix ā€œmetaā€ means beyond, not between. And no other language roots contain the phrase ā€œmetaā€

Reason #29856 to lynch N.1

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can you name one thing that you see as similar to their scum game or different from their town game just so that I can get a sense of where youā€™re even coming from

they said words in both games

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so @people currently alive

I know eevee said to lynch a non-PR claim

but I strongly believe that N.1 is scum

can we please vote N.1?

that is really not helpful in understanding your thought process!!