ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

I relatively still want Universal and Wazza to come here.

You honestly play like a mad scientist would play this game.

And you talk like one too lmfao

@clonedcheese Do you see why playing as if you were getting witched anyway is a poor choice? You might as well play as if nothing would stop you.

he is one

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kinda not really


but I donā€™t get why playing as if nothing would stop me would be beneficial

Why shouldnā€™t a doctor heal someone who will die that night if ā€œOh well Iā€™ll probably be prevented anyway lolā€

I am a mad scientist, your point?


Youā€™re angry, thatā€™s why you drink all the time.

because youā€™ll probably be prevented, letā€™s use my ability on someone I think is useful
oh look hereā€™s my best choice, rather than going for a safe choice
letā€™s use my thing on them

If I know someone will die that night, they are an IC, and I can save them, why shouldnā€™t I save them?

Can we stop with this and maybe talk about something useful

you should

hey people are saying this is scummy of me so iā€™m yelling at them

Iā€™m thinking eevee = scum, change my mind

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no matter Cheeseā€™s alignment scum may try to push them for this stupid optimal vig play thing
do be weary

What if you didnā€™t have a guarenteed heal on them, via outside forces? Do you then just go lolrandomheal?

If jake is calling you out on a bad play, itā€™s a bad play.
No offense jake

Youā€™re making the claim that eevee = scum, the burden of proof is on you

I already gave my proof
I am escort
I trust that Arete was pranked
thus eevee is fake

Why couldnā€™t Arete be Mafia faking Pranked (Or even be the witch)