ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

That many citizen claims and only so few scum claimed PR.



Eevee do you need me for anything else?

Right now someone in Arete/Eevee/Cloned are scum.

Iā€™m going with Cloned being Consort and not fucking anything else, I donā€™t trust yā€™all.
Cloned probably did the factional kill last night, thatā€™s why he claims to do nothing, bet.

Nah, he blocked Arete, Arete was pranked.

Witch was sure to use roleblocker to block one of Tis after all.

You donā€™t need me here anymore right?

we need you to help us find scum if youre town

Isaac I can do that when I get home in a few hours. Right now the most I can do is try and respond to questions. But I may not be able to even give that good of feedback because I am at a program atm

Ehhh, I promised to drop a bomb when all citizen confirm they claim citizens.

You know, my results and all.

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im ready

Like wtf is this lol. Do you care to play?

how to make post invisible

Congrats, you get up to the point you read the thread, once again.

The info

Yes, Iā€™m a citizen :^)


No, seriously tho.

I claimed cc to Arete and heavily shifted toward lookout crumbs to make scum doubt if they want to do anything bad to them or if itā€™s safer to do it to me.
I even did some digressions about that due to scum not knowing my role, but knowing Arete, they are safer to roleblock/prank me.
Also to make them think one scum is already fakeclaiming PR so putting own claim inside already crowded group isā€¦ bad choice.

Now itā€™s pretty obvious for them that Iā€™m not lookout due to 2 nights without me finding theirs disruptive roles, despite being soā€¦ bold when making theirs moves?

Thatā€™s also why I trusted Marshal and hard defended them.
Thatā€™s also why I shifted focus on citizen claims from you trying to find scum among PRs.

Only possible scum among PRs rn is Cheese AND ONLY IF RT ROLLED CITIZEN (which is unlikely tbh).

So yes, we can assume that all scum claimed citizens. Fun.

Now what was I waiting for before claiming it?
Jwguy, who was indeed heavily softing in direction of TP. Like, he was literally voting only TP claim, while hinting that he is one himself.

The problem isā€¦ if N.1 was alive, my play would also confirm them, getting 2 questionable slots confimred.
Now I got only one, but thatā€™s kinda okayish.



In case Cheese doesnā€™t read thisā€¦ please donā€™t make him satisfied that he indeed rbā€™ed a citizen night 1.
It was still a bad play.

I was supposed to bring mafia actions on me, not town escort doing shit decisions. :^)

Now Iā€™m going off before someone cuts my head in revenge

Unfuckingbelievable and believable at the same time.

Sooooooā€¦Arete is bad guy all along.

No. Arete is the town invest.

