ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

It’s like asking someone what’s their favorite food when the person in question has their taste buds changed every week

Well others seem to use it, why can’t I

Because you’re actually aware of it and seem like you’re using it as a way to defend yourself instead of doing anything else with it. If you don’t have a consistent meta, don’t take a new meta and claim it as your own

Then tell literally everyone to get off my wagon for using my own meta against me.

Who’s solely scumreading you based on your “meta”? :thinking:

Are you saying you should be townread because you keep calling yourself an Arsonist?

If anyone else claims that, people would mistake it as a scumslip or lolcating, but when you do it, it’s suddenly “LOCKTOWN! LOCKTOWN! DON’T VOTE FOR THIS GUY OR YOU WILL DIE!!!”

Woe is me, I would listen to Veteran.

I will with good explanation.

But honestly, squid doesn’t needs drones.

Jake, why are you a villager?

If I wanted an army, I would have made one in the White House

More or less the same, people vote for you. Which is a weapon to surpass metal gear.

I don’t remember claiming that

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Do I really need to fish through your posts to find them? :roll_eyes:

I mean, Arete already found one

What the fuck man. I have stated so many things yet people like you still say shit like this.

This is why I fucking despise trying to actually make reads and shit, especially when annoying pieces of shit like you are still alive.

I’m sorry m’lady, would thou please extract thine’s main arguments for whom we shall execute at thee court?

Refuse to learn

Moving on other players except Jake

Wazza, what follow-up do you suggest?

I’m going to be ignoring you for the rest of this game.

What do you mean by this?

The people we going to lynch next.