ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]


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thats so early, my new college schedule means i sleep til noon every night, so like 7 am wake up might suck or Ill just say fuck it and let lady luck bring me the victory

this is so incredibly valid

I wouldnā€™t care of she got hung personally, but her reactions havenā€™t been doctored. They align with someone who hasnā€™t been following the game AT ALL but is still likely town. Iā€™ve mentioned this before, but I feel if she was groupscum shed be more weary of how she looks in this game and that her scum partners would have been telling her to purposely not try. I donā€™t see it, and Iā€™d rather not waste ANOTHER hang on a townie.

And yes, if me and her are W/W on a team, I would have had an easier time getting her caught up on how to play. I wouldnā€™t want her to just sit there popping in and acknowledging my pings but then disappearing again. Thatā€™s normally very shady.

I get that, but going based off my own sibling in a match as scum, they didnt try and even though the scum team tried to get them to play it didnt work. Like its not out of the possibility, we have a poe of 8. 7 if ur in it and know ur role like me. Theres 5 scum in there and 2 townies otherwise, 3 for others. Trying to get the right two townies safe is the hard part. We have Eevee as either cit or witch, or Cloned that has no cc but cit could have rolled at a 2/13ths chance

Mechnically there is proof that second prankster exist and this points to Eevee and confirms cheeseā€™s slot with no hidden PR in cit slot.

What is the most possible course if they got Mafioso and become new Caporegime they know all the PR by just the claims.

ok wait one of us is clearly confused about something because it should be 11/10, right?

Well I took out Italy Isaac and Uni from tone/meta. Realistically they could also be in it, but I doubt it at this point

I do kinda Possessed/Anjic arenā€™t mafia/mafia because if they were I think he would be doing some of the things heā€™s been doing with her in scum chat rather than in the thread

Even if she is and Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s not a role that can kill. Its been very clear that she hasnā€™t been paying attention, at least to me.

I believe sheā€™s a solo player. I believe if she was SK, Iā€™d be dead by now. And if she was Witch, she wouldnā€™t even think to Witch Cloned OR Arete. I donā€™t even think she knows who claimed what or what that even means.

Puppeting actions?


Why whatā€¦ even if she didnt pay attention her team could puppet her

Thatā€™s the only possibility. Not to angleshoot, but would you get replaced out for consistently having your actions puppeted?

probably not if you were otherwise meeting the minimum requirements

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I wouldnt, but thats besides the point. Maybe I should bring in those other three and widen this poe

I donā€™t think she is meeting the post requirements tbh

It could also be to keep the game running as we are running out of replacements

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God why am I up 2 hours before my alarm to get up from work?

Why god why.