ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

A thought on ClonedCheese that might actually be damning:

Arete basically confirmed being targetted by Cloned AND the prankster. Do you think the idea was to originally roleblock, but the prankster goes “No wait, don’t do that” and instead Cloned cancels action and doesn’t want to put it on other targets in case it hits SK?

The PR choices Cloned would have to block would be:

Sulit, basically confirmed town so that would be a terrible look.

Eevee, who was roleblocked already so hitting him again would also look bad.

And N.1, who conviently died to Mafia. If Cloned was Mafia RB, it would indicate that he knew N.1 would die so as to not waste a Roleblock on him.

A town roleblock would ABSOLUTELY want to hit the SK, assuming they put it in their last will in case they did.

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Bad escort decisions, they said.

Im torn right now. A part of me wants to just hang Cloned, but my logical brain says we should use him as a tool to find the SK.

What if we give him an absolute target to RB that we deem likely SK and use that to fish for the SK?

If he doesn’t RB the target, he’s hung. If he dies on the target, we know that person is SK.

Lets make a pool of likely SKs and narrow down the most likely one.

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We have two roles that can disrupt our town pr actions, two kpn unless something happened (like SK target got healed so they are confirmed not SK).

I also think Datbird slot is cleared for today.

Only Witch disrupts a RB but yeah, you’re right. Damn.


when does day end?

So what is it again someone mentioned TMI?


/unvote because I forgot who I voted

Not going to out who I protected but I’ll tell you guys if you’re like, about to lynch them.

  • JakeTheWolfie
  • Possessed
  • Wazza
  • Frostwolf103
  • Anjic89
  • Isaac_Gonzalez
  • eevee
  • Italy
  • Universal
  • jmwjmw27


what is this

/vote anjic89

mechanical POE
