ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Here @eevee-sama

Sorry in advance for my activity. Exam week is a lot to tackle.

I’m here for a bit anything happen

Hmmmm… I had a feeling on what you were doing before, but I don’t know if we’re talking about the same thing

Super hot take: I missed something here.

/Vote jmw


what did you miss?

I want to have a chat with @jmwjmw27 when they are available to talk. I’ll give an analysis after.

Did you get that?

… My brain was used up by my quiz today :’)

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
clonedcheese PoisonedSquid, Wazza 2/8
eevee clonedcheese 1/8
jmwjmw27 Possessed 1/8
DatBird jmwjmw27 1/8
Frostwolf103 sulit 1/8
Italy Frostwolf103, Isaac_Gonzalez 2/8
Anjic89 Arete 1/8
Currently abstaining players DatBird, Anjic89, eevee, Italy, Universal 5

VC may be wrong because I’m on mobile.

What’s up?

/vote jmw

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Thanks I guess

what’s up

The ceiling because I’m in school

Just got out of class I know that feel


Any idea why I would vote you on the possibility of missing something?

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None at all?
Perhaps you saw a post you thought was scummy?

Do you feel like you might have scumslipped or have you been doing a good job covering your tracks?

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Well I’d have to be scum to scumslip.

also that is a very loaded question lol

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What if I told you I knew who your scum partners were?

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