ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

“Are you being sarcastic”
Goes to explain
“Just kidding, I am very sarcastic”

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I thought the post was obvious sarcasm

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
clonedcheese PoisonedSquid, Wazza, Possessed 3/8
eevee clonedcheese 1/8
DatBird jmwjmw27 1/8
Frostwolf103 Isaac_Gonzalez, DatBird 2/8
Possessed Arete, sulit, eevee 3/8
Currently abstaining players Frostwolf103, Anjic89, Italy, Universal 4

I did, thanks for reminding me that because I spot the sarcasm, but not when it’s coming.

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Possessed wagon is nicely pure.

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I think there’s 3 votes on me: 2 confirmed town, 1 likely town. Wouldn’t Mafia push this more?

Again, if I’m Mafia, why would I choose Bepwei over Jake from last days votes? I could have just as easily got Jake voted if I had a scum chat to say “Psst vote Jake”.

All the evidence is there Sulit, open your eyes and lets wagon correctly.

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In a world where you are T and confirmed T push you scum don’t have to do anything

I truly believe group scum was not on either wagon. They were satisfied with the lynch yesterday either way.

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I’m confused again hngggh

Why is everything shifted to Possessed now?

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Mostly gutreads from what I’m gathering

I wasn’t on either wagon actually.

So… names?

Like if you started VCA of yesterday lynch, you can as well just give exact opinion, not just round words.

How does that explain about my case, that I let the wagons roll I am not involved?

Sure I was on Darth_Tabor, but so are you.

That’s fair

You’re right; you are solo with me, Frost. Especially since you voted Jake yesterday

Why does this
Prove anything

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More thoughts:

Currently I’m the only person that has eevee as top lynch. I plan to change that.

Eevee’s backpedal as VT seems as a scum chickening out - he made sure to confirm all the VT claims, knew everyone’s roles, then just rescinded his TI claim.

Frostwolf’s comment shows that eevee is a powerful figure in this game - if they are scum as I believe, we’re gonna have some problems.

Did posessed not say he was solo if scum based on his ISO or something
Possessed if you were 3p can you explain this wagons scenario

So from this, it’s like this:
“Why would I vote a townie over scum?” or “Why would I vote a townie over a townie?”

.>Powerful figure

.>Chickening out

Chose one.