ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Again, the choices were likely both town. I’ve had bad reads this game, and for the record I did think Tabor had a high chance to pop town but the other choice (Sulit) had a townier wagon.

Guess what? I literally saved TP with that vote.

had a scummier wagon*

That first wagon had so many people on it that there’s bound to be more than one scum

That’s what I’m sure of

Oh so you’re now calling me scummy because I was on that wagon?

Well for one, Katze was on it. So.

Did I say you Squid? I’ve had you townread since D1, relax.

I said more than one. I’m not pushing the wagon aside just because one scum on there has flipped

There’s 3.


Italy was a random vote from Andrej.


I feel bad for pushing Darth tbh, I did scumread him but the guy just annoyed during that push.

The worst part about this assault is its coming from 3 confirmed town so I can’t even counter-read you guys lmao.

Mafia are staying far, far away from me right now because you guys are doing their job for them. :clap:

I’m not gonna vote Possessed because I’m gonna stick on Mr. Consort.

Im in mental agreeance, but I can’t take my vote off myself until Sulit comes to this realization.


you guys SUCK you’re taking advantage of my paranoia and ):<


What’s the worst that can happen, you lynch a townie and scum moves on to kill 2 more tonight?

So we go down to 11. 3 v 1 v 6 (with 1 extra being Witch).

Then lets assume we mess up again, that’ll be 3 v 1 v 3 (with 1 extra being Witch). So yeah, if we mess up here we get 1ish more shots to do it right.

SK can kill a Mafia/Attack a Witch/Hit Doctor Heal
Mafia can hit doctor heal/attack a witch/attack an SK.

We aren’t guarenteed 2 KPN

Im talking worst case scenario, we have 2 more mislynches before its pretty much over.

Best case scenario we have 3+.

That’s a little comforting.

If we mislynch here it’s in the SK’s best interest to try to hit scum tonight

i don’t see where you would get that idea from

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