ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

god not this again

apparently this rule transcends all forums
any time I see two people argue someone just goes “hey it’s probably T/T!”

please explain why and don’t just say town have emotions


we also probably shouldn’t talk about it because it’s kinda angleshooty

I dont really hate you btw Sully, I just hate you this game.

you brought it up first reee (but ok)

i tentatively agree with the conclusion at this moment

if Possessed is a wolf then most of the emotions are fake

and I don’t think a Possessed who’s faking emotions does so by aggressively insulting someone, I don’t think he’s that sort of person, if that makes sense

the sulit read is kinda angleshooty so I don’t want to elaborate on it more than I already have

Tbh, its sort of NAI for me. I feel like I get emotional every game whether scum or town. Id rather you just gage where my argument is going because I REALLY don’t see a world where Sulit pulls this as town.

Like…theres no possible chance that Sulit AND Bepwei are town. I’d excuse Bepwei more because he hasn’t played with me as much, but its just…there’s no logic.

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Why does it have to be TvS?

Because I know I’m town and I’m pretty sure one or both of you are scum?

Pretty sure does not equal have to be.

Nothing has to be, obviously. However, a read is a read. I’m not gonna do this again; I’m not going to let others dictate my decisions away from my reads.

Last time that happened, I suicided on another townie and moved off of my scum target. (Arete :eyes:)

it’s okay there’s no conversion (right?)

otherwise i recommend the converter to convert arete n2

Your vibes seem a lot like mine from my last game on CD

I had some good reads but ended up fighting a VT most of the game bc of tunnel vision.

I’m inclined to townlean you for now

That’s just what I do - I tunnel vision. I’m not trying to purposely do it, but I feel like I tend to be right more often than wrong. Ill open my vision a bit more once I can decipher who could be potential scumbuddies. I know we’ve got some hiding out in low posters but those aren’t immediate concerns.

Also I’ve figured out how to explain why Squid is obvtown off of her claim

Veteran is unique and (between random town and the guaranteed TK) has a >50 percent chance to spawn

this means that anyone attempting to fakeclaim Vet has a 50ish percent chance of immediately being CC’d and being outed as scum

there are probably players who FPS enough that they could survive getting CC’d like that but Squid’s not one of them

so basically, if Squid were to claim Veteran as a wolf, she’d basically be pressing a ‘have a 50 percent chance of immediately getting lynched, on D1’ button, and wolves don’t do that

haha lul

arete did their scumtell

arete scum

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im 100% confident now lul

i searched far and wide to formulate a scumtell of arete a while ago.

i found it.

and lo and behold they do it

any guesses arete?

To be clear, I’m not /outing of the game, I’m just pissed off and want to calm down.