ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Ironically, it’s true

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There’s entirely too many ways Cheese can disapprove himself after the fact, I realized. I won’t give him any ideas, but basically…I don’t think we’d be able to prove his alignment mechanically.

So I think we leave Cheese alone for today and if he becomes a policy Lynch tomorrow, so be it.


What do you think about this theory?

When did Uni vote Wazza?


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And SK thought mafia is voting townie

Logic would dictate that you’d kill in the Universal pool, no? But SK killed Wazza in what seems like random…but isn’t.

/Vote jmw

This seems to be the way to catch scum: Voting patterns.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Italy DatBird, Frostwolf103, sulit, Italy 4/6
jmwjmw27 Isaac_Gonzalez, Possessed 2/6
eevee jmwjmw27 1/6
Currently abstaining players PoisonedSquid, Anjic89, eevee, clonedcheese 4


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At first no, eventually I become top poster


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Yeah, hence it’s not a priority.
There are better kills anyway.

So if paranoia tells you I can be witch, but am not other ones… voting on me would be pointless, so no need to defend against it.


Like I dont need to prove reads wrong regarding me=witch, if I can prove they are irrelevant, duh.
And honestly thats way easier.

Well this is a gross post.

I am aware it is.

It kinda sounds like admiting ot being witch, which is not true.

However truth is that witch is at most bonus in my eyes rn.

Like it allows for Cheese and Sulit to do stuff.
On the other hand… all they can do is stop a kill if they chose correct person and lynching scum achieves the same without “If” part.

So if you are witch hunting, you are doing wrong thing, really.

This post is about asking Italy about Katze’s scum play and he posted this, moving on.


I have a theory but it’s a little angle-shooty so eh.