ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

We also have diggity to Isaac.

When did Isaac replace in?

Right before I did.

i think same time as italy

Around the same time Andrej got replaced?

N1 as well apparently. Hmmm

So only real case of different analysis would be indeed Dat.

Hi Dat.

Hello :wave:

  • JakeTheWolfie > DatBird
  • Possessed
  • Frostwolf103
  • Anjic89
  • Isaac_Gonzalez
  • Italy
  • jmwjmw27

Thatā€™sā€¦ less helpful profile than I thought, considering our options.

itā€™d either be dat, isaac, or me but i wouldā€™ve at least planned out nightkills if i was SK
it could also be anjic i guess but i donā€™t really know much about them

How would you plan out nightkills as SK?

I mean, Iā€™m not excluding Frost here, tho theirs kills rather wouldnā€™t be impulsive.

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On the other hand, I kinda exclude anjic.

Because she supposedly slipped as Citizen?

I would avoid stabbing mafia until at least town to scum plurality was reached so that i wouldnā€™t have to take on town alone
in other words i wouldā€™ve stabbed arete first because they were my highest townread

Iā€™m tempted to sayā€¦

Most likely:

Dat / Isaac

and optionaly:

Italy / Frost

Maybe Jmw makes sense if we get the impulsive into acount. I was clearing them due to being too agressive and getting too much attention, tho impulsive scumhunter wouldnā€™t really bother about that.

So once scum needed to only kill you to win then you would fight them?

It works perfectly if they havenā€™t found you yet.

ā€¦ meh

Like I dunno why any of you thinks that SK has to stab town.

Sk needs to stab mafia, and start as soon as possible to have some room for errors tbh.

There are several ways we can go from here depending one each personā€™s interaction with kill targets, butā€¦ .Iā€™m not sure on the premise yet to move on.


Meh, I will sleep it through, remind me to carry on tommorow.