ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Or is it Netflix?

Just saw it, quick glance reminds me of Card Captor Sakura

Well, the art style is based off the original Osomatsu-kun anime and they do make reference to it in both of the season premieres although you need to watch the first episode of the series via KissAnime or something like that because of the crap ton of references it made to modern popular anime

Everyone should watch it

Itā€™s only 12 episodes 1 season

We should move this to cookie thread


The art style looks like an updated version of Shin Chan. And Shun Chan is fucking boss.



sulit is watching magical girls anime, okaaaaaaay?

I donā€™t judge you bro.

Itā€™s not just a magical girls anime
You have to watch it before you put it under that umbrella

Iā€™ve never heard of that one, butā€¦ Maybe I can look into it? Osomatsu-sanā€™s still the only anime I really enjoy although I do watch Osomatsu-kun and Shirokuma Cafe from time to time

Hmmm, letā€™s do simul watcihng rn

It takes a while to get into the good stuff

Like episode three

Is where it gets :ok_hand:

Other communities do simul watches. Why wouldnā€™t we.

Who wants to watch weird stuff together?

Iā€™m down

If there wonā€™t be enough people now letā€™s just plan it for later.


That looks like some sort of bug