ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

I’m not a good translator but I will try

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Italy DatBird, PoisonedSquid, Frostwolf103, sulit 4/6
jmwjmw27 Possessed 1/6
Isaac_Gonzalez Isaac_Gonzalez 1/6
Frostwolf103 clonedcheese 1/6
DatBird jmwjmw27, eevee 2/6
Currently abstaining players Italy 1

There is literally nothing pointing to me being witch. Can you stop discrediting me?

I was pushing Katze, defending Marshal, defending Anjic, denfending Arete, pushing Wazza.

How is that a witch.
Defending 3 town and attacking 2 scum.


/vote Possessed

Screw it

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Frost he meant usernames I’m confused

I’m not able to work if all you do is avoid voting same person as me, cause you put me as witch despite only thing showing me as witch is Frost not being able to see difference betwen “word” and “sylabe”

Ok well day is over /shrug


It was a joke ><

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Italy DatBird, PoisonedSquid, Frostwolf103, sulit 4/6
jmwjmw27 Possessed 1/6
Isaac_Gonzalez Isaac_Gonzalez 1/6
Frostwolf103 clonedcheese 1/6
DatBird jmwjmw27 1/6
Possessed eevee 1/6
Currently abstaining players Italy 1

You can’t be acussing me of not doing stuff if I got pretty much most of my game on point BUT YOU AVOID TO WORK TOGETHER WITH ME CAUSE LOL WITCH.

Think about it.

You are discrediting me and starting vicious cycle of misunderstanding.

You won’t follow cause LOL WITCH, but it’s LOL WITCH cause it never pushes anyone?
You real?

Giving you witch credibility saves your life, dude.

Without witch credibility would I even be considered scum?

Pretty much not.

Day has ended, stop talking.

Final VC of Day 4:

Votee Voted by Votes
Italy DatBird, PoisonedSquid, Frostwolf103, sulit 4/6
jmwjmw27 Possessed 1/6
Isaac_Gonzalez Isaac_Gonzalez 1/6
Frostwolf103 clonedcheese 1/6
DatBird jmwjmw27 1/6
Possessed eevee 1/6
Currently abstaining players Italy 1

Italy has been lynched! They were


Neutral Evil

You hate these townsfolk. Every last one of them. They act like witches are evil, not realizing the great things your magic can do.
You’ll show them, you’ll show them all how powerful your magic is! They’ll pay for forcing you to hide like this!

Every night you can choose somebody to control and somebody who you want your controlled player to use their ability on.
You won’t be informed of the end result of your controlling or even if the one you controlled had an ability to use at all!
You’ll have to pay close attention to learn people’s abilities and use them to make the townsfolk suffer.
Your expertise in magic also taught you defensive spells. You have perfected a magical immunity shield, which shrouds your body.
It will discharge the instant you are attacked without protection. The shield will only work against gunshots, stabbings, and dousing.
Once the shield has discharged these attacks will harm you, like any other non-magic user.
The attacker will only know of your immunity to their attack. The Veteran and Jailor are immune to this shield.
You are immune to being roleblocked.

You win with the Mafia
You win with Arsonists
You win with Serial Killers
You must kill the Town

They had the following Last Will:

Italy's Last Will

you might think i was a really good witch but in all honesty the only good things were my night actions, i didn’t manage to correctly guess anything

Night 4 has begun and will end at 2020-02-12T12:27:00Z.


Night 4 has ended.

sulit was stabbed by the Serial Killer ! They were:


Town Protective

You are this town’s doctor and have kept everybody healthy for years.

You can visit one person each night. If they are attacked that night, you arrive just in time to save their life.
If your target is attacked, both you and your target will receive a message saying your target was attacked but healed.
You also have 1 self-heal, allowing you to instead save yourself if you are attacked.
You can only use the self-heal once, regardless of if you are attacked or not that night, so use it wisely.

You win with the Town
You must kill the Mafia
You must kill Arsonists
You must kill Witches
You must kill Serial Killers

sulit had the following Last Will:

sulit's Last Will

Hello, welcome to sulits logs 101 where I try and figure out who to protect.
People still alive:

  1. Cheese - maybe
  2. Possessed - maybe
  3. Eevee - maybe
  4. Sulit - no
  5. Dat - no
  6. Frost - no
  7. Issac - no
  8. Jmw - maybe
  9. Squid - no
    Best be here is go to cheese because if he’s town then he can stop kills like me. So.

I’m going to protect cheese.

N1: Possessed
N2: Myself (stabbed by serial killer)
N3: Arete (roleblocked)
N4: Cheeseyboi

Hopefully I don’t die, lol.

I don’t really have a ton of wisdom to depart because I’ve been kinda busy and burnt out the past day phase, but I’m happy Italy flipped witch. Eevee is town. My serial killer candidates are Possessed and Dat, maybe jmw. Last mafia could be Issac or Frost.

sorry I’m not helpful

Anyways, win this for me my townies. (If I die of course lul, then I’ll win it myself)


Day 5 has started and will end at 2020-02-15T12:29:00Z!

With 8 players alive, majority is 5.

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Oh? Cheese didn’t catch the serial killer but he did got the Mafia?

He didnt catch mafia imo.

He nokilled to roleblock.

If he did, he’s caught. If nobody claims RB he gets hung, and he’s got no buddies to fake a RB.

@clonedcheese Who did u RB

Either that, or he RBed mafia.