ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

this is true
wanted to die amd reveal sk cuz kinda busy

Here is my question
why does scum!Cloned try to frame me instead of an easier to ML target

unless he was scum but actually just chose the first name he saw -_-

The answer to our question on what Cloned is lies in WHY he blocked jmw.

Mafia doesnā€™t want to block SK or they lose.

Did he block jmw because he believed jmw was SK, or town?

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if i believed jmw was town why would i not block a town pr

who would that be by chance?

isaac duh

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isaac is never getting lynched

ok but cheese didnt know that last night

well people have been kinda saying hes in his town meta other than arete. Hes fine

his town meta looks like being useless
doesnā€™t seem hard to replicate

Cloned scumread me most of yesterday, but didnā€™t block me. Was his SR of me faked, or did he avoid me because I could be SK?

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He wanted to block SK as per his own testimony

Theres a level of play still. He tried with the rt day 2 i think it was. Scum isaac would never try that

He claims thatā€™s me, though. At least yesterday he did.

Who is the SK now, Cloned?

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Sk killed someone, you would be attacked by mafiaā€¦ and you blocked jmw, soā€¦ uhmā€¦ fromt hat PoV before all shit happened yetā€¦ it was very logical, duh.
You are doubtcasting for the doubtcasting, but let me read the rest of it.


you were scummy but less than others like eevee

guessed that i was misreading and decided to trust you for a lack of a better choice.

scum isaacs playstyle is litterally call people noobs and thats it. That and beg for deaths

I donā€™t like the random jmw block though. You trusted me last minute and followed my SK scumread of jmw?

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Yes if you blocked them?
Likeā€¦ SK killed someone else and you claim you blocked jmw?

Iā€™ll take ā€œthings that didnā€™t happenā€ for 500

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