ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Why I picked you out of the poe, is mainly what I said gut felt off. I focused down, and now it shows lack of thought, cause I didnt case each one.

If I had to rate these five from what my gut feels on them, least likely to be town, to most likely

Eevee, Cloned, JMW, Frost, Isaac

And thatā€™s how you created your PoE, not how you described above.
Pretty different process without analyzing 4 options.

So why did this 4 explanations of lack of kill appear?

Why i didnt do a night kill analysis on the other four. Didnt feel up to it, or didnt feel they matched like in the no kill scenario. Dont feel like JMW, Cloned, or Frost would no kill here except for in the case that Cloned rbs and doesnt kill. For the other scenarios I was asked my opinions on you. Felt like my gut is right. Its confirmation bias. My gut feels ur scum, so I tried explaining it how my brains interpeting. Remembered my four ways the nk was missed and tried seeing if u fit in those and thats how i went about explaining my thought process on how ur scum. Nothing more. Is it the right way to go about it, no. Is it how i did it, yeah cause it got my opinions out

I suck at this, :man_shrugging:

/vote Frostwolf
Frost posts like they want to avoid contributing

this post was bait yeah
I already had to go so I say this to redirect side conversation to the game

Sigh, let me reprhase.

I donā€™t really care WHAT you did.

Iā€™m asking WHY you brought up other thought process at first (than one which you orginally came through), making us even more confused, cause it didnā€™t add up.

Eevee, the why is right there

wait thats the how
I need sleep

someone look at Frost ISO for this day

Or you need sleep like you said, I donā€™t understand where you got your conclussion about contribution but you are not correct.

jmw, Iā€™m more asking why did he reverse the order when explainging it all.

Like we came to conlcusion that he thought Iā€™m scummy then he came to all lack of kill types and checked if I match there.
Thatā€™s fine.

But why did he try to explain it in reverse, that since I match all kill types, he suspects me.

This made allā€¦ less understandable for everyone.
Looks like he was afraid to say his real thought process (maybe cause it does seem confirmation biased), or maybe he just messed up wording when explaining.

I now want to know why he gave the different reasoning then real one he had when he voted me.

Apparently I canā€™t enjoy irl for a bit without getting accused a bit, but at least you are not giving me chance NOT to interact.

No Iā€™m not talking about activity
you only reply to stuff that is not or barely is relevant to progressing the game

And even if you reply to something important the reply itself usually isnā€™t

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I mean, what I did is a slippery slope.
I let them change theirs story when trying to go deeper.

If they are scum, they got my help to adjust to different PoV. If they are town, I got to what they really were thinking back then.

However, understanding why theirs first story wasā€¦ opposite of what happened is what differences town and scum here tbh.

I donā€™t really care about story itself. Or even changing it.
The fact WHY it is changing is what I am focused on.

Actuallyā€¦ same why I didnā€™t need them to go through other scenarios.
This would be analysis everyone can do.
However reason why they skipped it in the first place is more telling than fact of doing or not doing it.

I dont even know how I explained things in reverse order my dude. Like honestly I feel ur speaking circles around me, and Im not getting where the reverse even is. Did I not explain my points?

I mean same for Katze d1.

I didnt vote them for facts, analysis, what they are saying, but rather lack of gaol in own posts.

Or even more - goal being to not stand out too much.

Okay, sure.

So what youā€™re saying here is that Datā€™s trying to blend in?