ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

You want me to search the scummiest thing I ever did? Bit too late to ask that in my local time.

Sorry, I canā€™t read clearly

You know whatā€¦ I think I will just go away and let you figure rest out.






Welcome to Ramseyā€™s Forum Game Nightmares

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Donā€™t make me actually get quotes from Frostā€™s iso please

We have to do things, not sit on our butts

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doing things is difficult sometimes
I just want to take a nap but I canā€™t

I felt like that after my three hour class. And my body usually hates taking naps

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Oh right, I was meant to ISO Datā€¦ I didnā€™t forget it, totallyā€¦

I just never bothered to remember it.

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When does day end? I want Posessed and Squid to be voting before day end. Town votes are important.

2 more RL.days I think? Iā€™m not gonna abstain, I just want to make sure we do the right thing.

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thought it would end at next morning got pretty worried

Usually when stuff stagnates like this scum are in a good position so Iā€™m paranoid

Ehhh, more spicy? Sure.

I got an adviceā€¦ remember to not write ā€œspicy eeveeā€ in google images

ā€¦ tbhā€¦ noā€¦ I cant really generate more content today on my own

Like all discussion so far we had was influenced by my claims or questioning.


Iā€™m not a big advocate for RTs, so ill just try and find ways to figure it out myself.

Probably roll a dice or flip a coin or something :man_shrugging:

1 Like is the fun way

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Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
DatBird Frostwolf103, eevee 2/5
jmwjmw27 clonedcheese 1/5
eevee DatBird 1/5
Frostwolf103 jmwjmw27 1/5
Currently abstaining players Possessed, PoisonedSquid, Isaac_Gonzalez 3

Hot Take: Eevee false-cleared Isaac after attacking him last night and realizing heā€™s the SK.