ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Ho boy.

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Well, welcome lmao

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Iā€™ll need to raise Trifectaā€™s trust level real quick. Iā€™ll be right back. :walking_woman:

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There we go. Anywhoā€¦ oh boy, itā€™s a long story

Cheese should block me again.
This means mafia has to nokill again to not clear me.

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Thanks for giving them ideas

It doesnā€™t matter.
The options are either Iā€™m roleblocked or Iā€™m not. If Iā€™m not Cheese is basically scumclaiming.
And from there either mafia kills or not. If thereā€™s a kill they confirm me and cheese. If thereā€™s no kill it confirms me and reduces scum KPN either way itā€™s a losing scenario for them

Cloned wouldnā€™t be able to prove that he hit SK; SK could have still killed Cloned.

Thereā€™s zero chance Cloned can find the SK beyond a shadow of a doubt. Mafia though? That he can find.

Thereā€™s lot happening in just five days,

Escort got lynched Day 1 and several are being skeptical that this lynch is pushed by multiple scum after the Caporegime died N1 together with 1 citizen died, thatā€™s 16 players alive, we lynched a Citizen who claimed to be attacked and healed, confirming that only the Prankster is involved with this fake result, N2 the doctor self-healed and succeeds and the medium died. We lynched the last minute the prankster not having enough contribution to gamesolve, we almost lynched the second escort claim that fits the Mafia Support slot or me the same day, N3 Mafioso is killed by SK, two mafias killed by SK so far and we lost the Sheriff, a Citizen got modkilled D4 and we manage to lynch the Witch that voted together on second escort claim with the mafioso previous day, we lost the doctor last night and the roleblocker may or may not found the last mafia, but right now weā€™re looking for SK:

The list of SK suspects are DatBird, me, you Trifecta (Isaac) and Possessed. Prankster have pranked the Sheriff that checked on Isaac because he is also roleblocked by the second escort claim but also receives the NS check, meaning he cannot be mechnically cleared at the moment, sorry Trifecta. Due to Meta, players are able to clear your slot, of course that wouldnā€™t mattered now you are here

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Why not?

And Mafia suspects arenā€™t technically everyone but Squid.

Squid is our only guaranteed townie.

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Say Iā€™m SK and I kill Cloned. Now, say Cloned roleblocks Dat and outs it in last will. Who are you going to believe is SK, me or Dat?

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We wonā€™t know if the stab was retaliation or SK wasnā€™t blocked at all and simply chose to kill cheese

Pardon my forgetfulness, but what does SK stand for?

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Serial Killer


Last as I recall, after the witch got lynched, Sulit would able to heal Cloned give him clean safe shot to find the SK without getting to die.

Like I said before, Cheese would have known if he was healed or not. Thereā€™s more feedback in this game than a typical forum game

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What if SK hits Cloned but Cloned also roleblocks someone? Thatā€™s two different people.

The only reason jmw is confirmed not SK is because SK killed Sulit. If SK attacked Cloned, jmw doesnā€™t get confirmed.

I know that, which is a shame on one perspective. I had more the feeling he didnā€™t want to risk it, which you said he is in fact going for it. At least we know we shouldnā€™t lynch jmwjmw27 on the list.

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