ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

How does that even matter.

The point is, you came and decided to butt into conversation which wa clearly going basing on misconception to begin with, ruin everything and start argueing about details.

You are neither new nor stupid to not notice that I was talking basing on misconception on purpose to see where it goes.
You decided to come and sabotage it.

That’s a no from me.

Sorry I didnt pick up on that. I kinda scrolled to the bottom

Who tf just doesn’t read thread at day when pretty much everyone wants them to be lynched?

Cause I’m kinda fucking done. I see not much point anymore

Every time we push someone this game, they get pissy and give up. Italy did it, but he wasn’t a townie

Then how are we supposedto clear you or something if you just decide to not even bother about it?

I’m sorry for the rudeness. I’m litterally just waiting at this point. Yall want me gone. So just do it

Like I tried explaining my points and got told I thought in reverse and no one else looked at them or reacted

I actually wanted to have one more 3-way showdown, but… sure.

If that’s your wish.

It’s the same feeling u got with the witch stuff. I have been just slammed with ur SK or Maf we dont care

Am I still chopped liver?

Are you. I didnt see you touch my points?

Like the only recent mentions or replies are essentially from eevee. No ones trying to talk to me

I know I’ve talked about you before in a scumreading sense. I’m not going to sheep onto a random wagon just because it has more people on it

Dat, the reason nobody’s been talking to you is that you’ve been silent

Not even close.

I was safe, but people discredited my reads. I still tried to fight it through.

You are not safe, people are waiting for you to do something, you decide to not read and resign.

Not even close.

So let me ask you Squid. I’m in the poe of both mafia and SK. If u had to guess since u are scumreading me. Which am I and why?

I have been a bit busy, but it’s also like I just feel squashed. Like I’m down to talk, but it’s also in the middle of class, and this is like my last time free for a bit

Let’s see here, I’m trying to remember what Jake has done because I don’t remember if you replaced in before or after Wazza died, but it depends on Jake’s relationship here. I’m going off memory and I’m thinking that you’re more likely SK due to the lack of connection. That goes the same with Katze

I have tried and nothing changed. Frost possessed and jmw instead of trying essentially skipped my whole points and said evil. Like I feel ignored