ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

I know Cheese roleblocks two TI

But you said you are not, I am getting fed with your reactiontests.

I didnt do any reactiontest?

You claimed Sheriff and you called Cheese not mafia and Escort, if he is not mafia

The heck are you sticking your neck out


You know how much that cost you?

Blocking 2 Tis is least importamt anyway.

Pranking Arete however hints heavily towards consort existance.
And that canā€™t really be explained with Cheese doing Cheese.


I already explained that.

To force Cheese into healed claim to have jmw cleared, instead of current situation where maybe mafia hit sk, maybe didnt kill, maybe its jmw.

This wasnt a reactiontest cause mafia would know ots false if it wasnt Cheese.

Likeā€¦ 2 PR clains who arent them, not to mention last mafoa being agent/consig in that case.

You are not reading and itā€™s hurting.

You are asking about stuff which was long explained and believe they are slips despite not exostong for long time.

20 hours.

I actually didnt do a single reactiontest this game.

First claim on PR was t to test either, but rather to protect Arete from being blocked/witched, hence heavy hint on lookout.

To discourage scum from visiting them.

It was dropped when I couldnt keep lookout claim in any believable formay anymore, not when I got reactions.

20 hours?

20 hours you described as long time since you posted

Well 21 hours nowā€¦

/vote Cheese

Now we have three wagons, if thereā€™s SK betweem the wagons or currently unvoted, please provide it if you like

At this point it was already dropped tho.

It was much earlier.

Thats why people were surprised you are still on it.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
DatBird Trifecta, PoisonedSquid, eevee 3/5
eevee DatBird, clonedcheese 2/5
Frostwolf103 jmwjmw27 1/5
clonedcheese Frostwolf103 1/5
Currently abstaining players Possessed 1

STILL not believing i am scum, is that what you are saying?

The actual fuck are you doing?

What is the point of thunderdome you are not focusing on! You want to lynch SK but you let Cheese slide to prove himself?

Why did you counterclaim now!


There you go, even longer ago then you noticed it.

Does that work for you?

Does that explain why people were surprised at you still thinking Im sheriff?

How about this:
I had enough of your bullshitting and that is why I voted you in the first place because of that comment.

Thats why Possessed thought you are implying something else.

Thats why Jmw thought you are shading them.

Cause noone thought you didnt catch onto something that was established 3 days before.

You created one big misunderstabding back then.

So? Did I make them speak up they arenā€™t suppose to?