ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

would you though
what would you gain?

I’m not a mathematician, but I’d certainly rather the odds of SK not realizing I’m Mafia than going into the next 3 lynches hoping to avoid them if I’m Mafia. You keep SK until today or tomorrow, then push them.

You gain a chain of mislynches.

in the remote chance that eevee flips town then noelim is bad. That is true.

/vote eevee

who do we have left.

thats 7 people, 6T 1S

we lynch Eevee and have Cheese go on vet. If cheese is scum we catch him there and he is lynched. If not, scum get a kill and we go into a 3v1 with a confirmed town guaranteed to be alive

For anyone wondering: We have 3 lynches until we lose.

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and I think Eevee/Cheese being T/T is <1% prove me wrong.

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yeah noelim today is bad.

But in the case of town!eevee, we’d end up with a 2v1. I think its winnable in that situation and its a risk im willing to take.

Why are we lynching Eevee though? I don’t get this.

I get it from Cloneds perspective, but not yours jmw.

noelim is bad.

lynching eevee iz not.

change my mind

because its probably between him and cheese
and cheese can die on vet or be confscum

lynching cheese is pointless when we can tell him to go to vet if it doesn’t happen we lynch him

Fine. :man_shrugging:

Squid has Alert?


good point

I certainly hope so
/vote Eevee

I hope that wasn’t hammer I need to be careful with my votes :grimacing:

I’m dumb for not looking

ok good its not

no i think its just you and me

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