ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Also Jake did you ever answer my question from earlier?

Do you think Iā€™m scum because ā€œlulprinceā€

Yes, I did.

I answered it after you ask it after this post.

Except in this game. He claimed something that doesnā€™t exist. Then proceeded to explain it.

I forget how I phrased it but basically I was wondering if as town, youā€™ve ever voted someone you thought was town (other than yourself) to prove that someone pushing them was scum

Either you are scum, and you flip as such, or I go back to my parade on Marshalā€™s acid rain.

Thatā€™s not an answer to my question

Thatā€™s not the main reason but it is a reason

I probably have. But I wouldnā€™t know for sure.

Can you like, not ignore me?

He was, I checked.

I donā€™t think the fact that this mode doesnā€™t have a jailor really makes a difference here because he might have just not realized that it doesnā€™t have a jailor

apart from the claim thing where are you at on Jake?

If you think that Marshal is almost certainly scum then why would you not just vote Marshal

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If you had a good reason on someone, but you were both low-skilled and the majority voted another way, would you not just vote with the majority?

I would not just vote with the majority especially if the majority was being pushed by someone I thought was scum

If it were EoD and I had to choose between two people I townread then sure, Iā€™d do that, but Iā€™m not just going to randomly vote someone I think is a villager whoā€™s being hardpushed by my top scumread in the middle of the day, that makes zero sense

You have to realize, youā€™re still talking to and about a low-skill player.

How does that make a difference

I know the world doesnā€™t involve about me, but can you imagine why scum would vote Arete because he voted me in first place?

How would a low-skill player convincingly refute a majority vote that they feel would end up terribly were they to be wrong?

Or I was told pregame that there wasnā€™t a jailir

For the record I call you out there

So you test sucks balls