ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

this game is bastard, sorry

Yeah, because both me and you totally weren’t talking about Marshal.

Take your head out of your ass.

Well then, why do you think that you and Marshal are TvT then? Or are you just saying that because you hate me?

It’s literally easier to stick a knife through my arm than to check to see if a Jailor fucking exist.

Also, before marshal parades saying that I claimed scum, therefore I am:

The r replaced a T in the, so it was a React_est. I gleaned nothing from it other than sadness. I was hoping to glean what the people in the thread would say in reaction to me just outing like that.

Arete, do you mind if I go bash my head into a wall instead of reading whatever your response is to that post? It will probably be more productive, anyway.

…no, I was talking about me. You’ve never claimed to TR Marshal, so my comment would obviously make no sense talking about Marshal.

I’m not saying “Marshal is always a locktown villager who is aligned with the town” I’m saying that he might be, and we shouldn’t try to set up a world where when I get lynched he always gets lynched next, and the fact that you’re trying to set up a narrative where one of us is always scum is super wolfy

Marshal might be town, and I might be the queen of england.
How would you feel if I re-read you an posted this in returning:
“I re-read Arete over time T, and I think differently”

listen here liberals,


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Либералы - капиталистическая конструкция, товарищ.

You can’t just say two people can’t be T/T then when someone asks why say “ok tell me why they can be T/T”
It’s your argument, burden of proof is on you

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“Liberals - capitalist construction, comrade.”

…thanks, Google.


is he lolcatting now?

that would not be super helpful

They can be TvT, just like this can be an all-jester false roles game.
I’m saying it’s not very likely, because both of them are individually scummy IMO. I can admit, and will admit after it is proven, that I am wrong.

Do you think Marshal is town after looking through their ISO (or even my ISO of them)? If so, I would like you to look through and make an analyzation of their ISO.

I would also like an Analyzation if you think that they are scum.

did you ever explain why you find me scummy besides ‘I pointed out that the thing you were doing made no sense given that you townread me, so you backtracked’

I took a look over your ISO and it rubbed my pickle the wrong way.

that is not an answer that is remotely useful for sorting your slot

Well Marshal just saying “Jake lockwolf” when I didn’t even have the appearance of defending you is not remotely useful for town.

@guaranteed protective

if someone other than me gets lynched I would like to suggest that you roll a d4 and protect Marshal if you get a 1

I think there are non-zero odds in town-Marshal worlds that the scumteam will try to kill Marshal to frame me a la the Cop13er and hopefully by requesting this we can create enough WifoM that they definitely do something other than that

I mean

I’m not going to be able to properly solve Marshal’s slot this game, I’m just not

I just also don’t think that he’s absolutely 100 percent guaranteed lock wolf