ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

I feel like Wazza’s town too from his tone and motivation, but I’ve barely gotten anything from jmw. Can you explain your read on them?

Quick Wednesday deduction rundown: Someone give me where were headed right now as we close in to EoD?

From what I remember, it looks like the leading wagon has shifted to Darth

Looks like a darth lynch atm unless something changes

But wait, You’re Darth :clown_face:

Yea I tend to skip into third person in game lmao


Give me Darth wagon and I’m gonna look into Darth; I think I said I’d do it yesterday but I’ve got zero time.

Seems people are sus of me bc I’m self aware and use the word vibes. Haven’t seen any actual arguments beyond that

36 posts? I thought you’d have more with a potential lynch encircling. Do you care about getting lynched or are you just busy Darth?

Depends on what degree, because to a certain degree were ALL self-aware or else wed be newbz.

@PoisonedSquid Do you think this read is reasonable?

Pretty busy, but my schedule is opening up a lot tomorrow

Also my good reads take like 2-3 hours and I haven’t had a time slot that big to do one

Negative effort value.

Aka play which is bad for the town.

Sounds likely. Also sounds like if you are town, you aren’t a PR.

Hmm… I don’t think they’d be able to fake a response like that unless they were coached. I’d need to look at the rest of their posts to see if they sound fake or forced, but… like I said before, I don’t have a whole lot of time on my hands

This is the sort of stuff I was scum reading Bepwei for. A lot of shade, not a lot of actual content.

A little dodgy, and could be an out off the Arete Wagon since it lost steam. SRs Marshal but hedges away from it.

Ill do more later.

I’d prefer to get some votes off me before I actually panicking

Which isn’t gonna go very well since those of y’all who are around rn and will actually respond to me aren’t voting me. Wow.

Literally my meta tho. Other CD people have said it and I’ll say it again: I shade people. A lot. That’s just my style, especially on D1 when there’s not much concrete evidence to go off of.

Its not a great style to develop as its a common scum tactic to shade people but not follow up on it. It plants seeds of doubt while the scum player gets off like they don’t have any responsibility in case of ML.

Why is arete not dead

Dt is an obvious lhf cw lul

I’m willing to lynch jake today as well because that slot is definitely mafia

But arete is gonna wiggle out

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