ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

yeah I realized you posted that as I pressed the button

cool im not going to bother you now, good night

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Who do you think is scum, if you think that one of is us scum, in me or Marshal?

Here is your explanation of why you are sus of me. Seems to be two basic ideas here, me sheeping and my ā€œmost recent posts.ā€ In regards to me sheeping, I really canā€™t explain that anymore, and Iā€™m sure you donā€™t want me to again.

So my "most recent posts" at that point:

I can see why you might think this is ā€œsketchyā€ or just ā€œan excuse to not make concrete reads.ā€ Regardless, activity level is not a reason to scumread someone (unless ofc it is drastically different from their meta). I have a life, I canā€™t be here all that often.

This is also true and related to my activity and time commitments. Oops sorry, Iā€™ll have time tomorrow oh wait yā€™all wonā€™t let me live that long

Misc comment. You made your read without knowing what CD was, so I get why it mightā€™ve confused you. But now that you do know I assume you can see why this is not a reason to be sus of someone.

Tu quoque. And I answered the question in a later post. NAI

Yea, seems like I canā€™t defend against that stuff, bc once again thereā€™s nothing to defend against.

To be honest, Iā€™m leaning towards Marshal with the way his scumtellā€™s showing itself. I wish I can look deeper into it, but Iā€™m busy myself. Just not with a potential disease that might kill us all

I still feel that Jake/Marshal was a T/T fiasco
try Arete and/or Bep, my two top scum

Chose one

Iā€™m not really sure what fiasco you are talking about anyway.

Not sure if I want to know.

Wazza! Wtf! Lmao go to sleep. I want a sane wazz tomorrow.

Iā€™m not even sane myself, but Iā€™m trying to get wazza sane for tomorrow

I corroborate that marshal and Jake are TvT

Go with Arete

Jake/Marshal had a fight, accusing each other for strawmanning, ending with marshal ragequitting for the day

didnā€™t even notice this post. I never take the posts of reads taking too long and stuff as scummy, thatā€™s called life.

You can always do a lot more than just vote a player though and call that your defense.

I ignore misc comments, thus didnā€™t even notice your CD thing in here. I noticed it later on though.

You didnā€™t even answer the question of Jakeā€™s, you just said right back at ya.

May I ask, when you were trying to defend yourself, why did you use recent posts that didnā€™t include anything to do with a defense? None of this is defending yourselfā€¦Please, no offence here and I apologise for blowing up on you earlier. Try to defend yourself properly. Donā€™t quote your own posts. Post why you are Town, post who you think is scum, post why you think they should be voted. Donā€™t make the mistake of giving up too early, especially if youā€™re Town. Otherwise, you arenā€™t going to get yourself saved. Good luck and goodnight for real.

Itā€™s night tomorrow lmao.

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Okay, you made me curious.

What happened to ā€œdonā€™t lynch Arete, they are sheriffā€?

Donā€™t vote Arete

vote darth

Wazza. Go to sleep. Final warning.


(This is meant to be satirical. This is not meant to be taken serious in any way. If I donā€™t post this disclaimer, Marshal will chew my ass out about how satire is scummy)

Marshal: Youā€™re strawmanning me!
Me: Asks how I should improve to no strawman them
Marshal: WTF I QUIT!!!

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever said that
I still maintain that Areteā€™s cop claim was an attempt to deepwolf

Some people are saying that the way Arete claimed Sheriff seemed fake thanks to your reactiontest (I think itā€™s yours. Iā€™m not exactly in the physical mood to check)

Side note: dw abt responding to this and go to sleep lmao

I did what you asked. I took your attack and reasoning against me, and responded to every part of it. You accuse me of quoting unimportant posts, well thatā€™s what I got from your reasoning. It seems to be lacking.

And yes I did answer Jake. It was after your reads post, Iā€™m guessing you didnā€™t look at it

more strawmanningā€¦.

Edit: yes, I saw the disclaimer, no I do not care.
