ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]


Just let it be known Isaac, youā€™re now officially past the point of no return. You canā€™t claim you donā€™t actually have a Red check anymore.

or you could be disguiser pulling a big brain play

Holup, didnā€™t consider this.

disguiser changes flips, right?

not like, tailor?

iā€™m gonna go check

I still find it unlikely for 2 Sheriffs, though its possible. Weā€™ve only got 2 Random Town spots open and Eevee claims one.

And the last one has infinitely higher chance of getting Citizen. This could go back to my Arete Citizen theory, though.

what why

Because it looks like an agenda push if you go back on it. I feel like youā€™ve had enough opportunity to retract it as a reaction test but you continuously denied that.

Isaac asking why makes me think heā€™s fake and either RTing or scum.

the only thing ur doing rn is ruining a potential reaction test which could help us know if arete is town or not

areteā€™s almost definitely town

You should have saved the RT for when Arete was on.

it looks more real if i do it d2 imo

Either way, its just too obvious of a RT. I doubt you could gather much from it.

answering a reaction test when you know its false and super sudden is just dumb to me

because if they know its just a RT then you wonā€™t get a real reaction from them

If Iā€™m Arete, I know its a reaction test anyway. That slot had 0 posts.