ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Alright so is it possible to have a Sheriff, Lookout, and one more Town Investigative role? Because looking at the roles at play section, there’s only one slot that says there is a town investigative

It’s not Roles in Play sorry, it’s Role List

Any of the three Random Town slots can be Town Investigative as well, but the Town Investigative slot has to be

but Marshal and I contradict each other

Yea this doesn’t make any sense. Going by the rolelist, we have 3 investigators. So the investigator slot AND two other random town slots are covered. We have 1 support claim and one confirmed claim. And 2 town protective claims. One has to be lying or is a town killing role

Veteran is a Town Killing role

It is?

It is, I am sorry xP

In any case, it’s still not making sense.

Role List
Town Investigator - Covered
Town Protect - Covered
Town Killer - Covered
Random Town - Support/Investigator
Random Town- Investigator
Random Town- Support

Does Eevee have any evidence to back up their Town Investigative claim?

Town Investigator - Arete (Sheriff)
Town Protect - sulit (Doctor)
Town Killer - Squid (Veteran)
Random Town - Darth (Escort) (confirmed from D1)
Random Town - eevee (some investigative class)
Random Town - ClonedCheese (Escort)

If I assume everyone is telling the truth about their claims this is what I get, obviously there isn’t room for Marshal but from my perspective I know that Marshal is evil and from everyone else’s perspective one of the two of us is evil

Honestly, I am a bit torn. Marshal doesn’t do something this drastic unless it really DOES benefit him. Like if he figures out the game. I remember he did something like this back 2 games ago. When his win condition was met he revealed who he was and then got the mafia lynched. But this time there’s no sure win condition. Only reason I see him doing this is because if he gets you lynched, he might be more secure in his readings for other players.

So I think Marshal is the Witch, which is a neutral role that needs the Town to lose

It makes sense for Marshal to do this as Witch because it means that the town wastes one day killing a Sheriff who he thinks is a good player (he’s wrong but that’s not the point) and then has to spend another day to execute him, at which point evils will probably be close to having majority

I just feel like this isn’t something a mafia-marshal would do. But I see your point

That’s why I think he’s probably Witch rather than Mafia

Oh yea, Neut isn’t with Mafia

Well Witch is a neut that needs town to lose, so usually Witch will help Mafia win (but they can also win with the SK)

Actually Marshal being a neut does back up your claim. Marshal does love to try and set up things for later games as mafia/town. But neut it seems to be more based on his win condition than actual late game strategies.

I’ll try to learn about this. But you and Marshal are still suspicious to me. I also want to dig more into the claims of the other players. I also don’t feel like maybe one of them is telling the truth.