ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Eevee is suspicious

Im not well into this game but ive.played enough throne of lies to know when someone is deflecting

Who did you visit?

Answer. Who did you visit @Anjic89?

Eevee is not town leader eevee is bad

Because Eevee found you? You’re deflecting.


I didnt visit anyone

sips harder in tea :tea:

Are you sure?

YES! Im sure

What kind of tea? I got Lemon.

I dont even know how to visit someone

Why didn’t you visit anyone then? That’s kind of scummy.

Lol easy

/vote Anjic89

Want to self hammer to make it easier and not spew more people?
You got a chance now

I didnt know that was a possibility


Its in your classcard to visit someone.

Keep deflecting evvee

I hope everyone sees through your deflection tCtics