ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

You’re not actually explaining why he’s scum though. You’re just saying we’re wrong.

the first two sentences are about Arete…

That’s it.

Is that not enough? Should I drop everything and return with a full ISO analysis before I dare read someone against a metaread?

arete saying “why are people defending me” is towny because obviously as town you don’t want to get pocketed, they were confused by the fact that people were defending them so hard

I’m going to take a break from this
I’m too angry right now to be rational

No, but you’re insisting Arete’s scum, but you haven’t actually made made an effort to explain why until pushed, same with Marshal.

I know. I pointed that out too. That’s the only potential scumtell: Arete COULD be trying purposely to look town.

However, that comment inherently comes from town only. I want to believe Arete didn’t plan it.

also we can discuss that marshal’s been withholding info since the dawn of fucking time

first it was marshal claiming arete was in their scum meta (which was a lie)
and then claiming that he saw two people visited derps (also a lie)

what’s next, on day 4 the moon will strike the earth, killing everyone who is still alive?

At this point, I don’t fault anyone for having trouble reading this. Both Marshal and Arete are being difficult to read.

Squid, would you like to share with the class?


I still want to lynch outside this pool.


Yeah, he did the ultimate plot twist of the second visitor being himself… That’s an M. Night Shamalan plot twist… and it’s not even a good one

it’s a habit of mine to call people out when they start typing and then go silent

The reason I went silent is because someone texted me on Facebook Messanger :^)

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who specifically do you want to lynch?

killing witch is far better than rolling a dice and praying you hit scum, so we at least need someone who makes us say “yeah this person’s definitely scum”