ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Eh I’ll give my softs too and just fullclaim so that my future slot will have this to back me up at least

I mean, it was obvious that you would not claim RT1 as Tk.


I don’t remember, it was brought up in conversation once when they asked if anyone wanted to be a doctor. The professor who helps with the RESEARCH program is so a very renowned one. Got elected president over a professor from Harvard. And apparently she is the link between us and the Polish university

Meta means middle In some fucking language(or at least that’s what my freshman bio teacher told me)

Middle… medium

See ya nerds

I will buy Ts claim.

Makes sense, makes logic and was obvious enough back day 1.

Which means Cheese is best lynch probably.

Apparently the Polish government is willing to pay a very high price to have a few of our students though. I still don’t believe it’s real though. According to everyone we were a bunch of dumb dumbs the states xP

*are not were. Idk why my phone’s keyboard keeps doing this

You didn’t need to fullclaim.

Altho you kinda already did with “wasting a witch” so I won’t complain.

Check which one right now.

I’ll try next time when the meeting comes up. I am pretty sure they mentioned it’s a new one too. That or it’s under construction. I am sorry for my lack of memory

I suck ;-;

But Eevee you also said you were at a University in Poland about biometrics/medicine right?

No, I’m programmer.

And audio designer, but that’s beyond a point.

Awwww ;-;. I was gonna be like “Heyo wanna meet up in like 5 years when I go to the med school” ;-;

Witch med school

Eevee and Jake confirmed Witch. Change my mind

Eevee and Jake cannot both be witch

Well in any case, where does this leave the lynch off to? I honestly am not sure if people are willing to even let Marshal off the hook for this

Also what’s FPS?