ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

But they’re not, they can still be town here regardless of their dumb decision making.

If they block one of us this night then it’s obvious they’re scum. If they’re scum here, then by claiming they’ve quite literally made their action useless.

Whatever you say, it’s not worth bussing Jake if he flips scum. Should ClonedCheese screw up again, he is the main course tomorrow.

…There’s no room for an Escort.

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And there’s… 5? Other PR claims

Uh…where did you agree on again?

With eevee

Town Investigative - Eevee
Town Protective - Sulit
Town Killing - Squid
Random Town - Darth
Random Town - N.1/Arete
Random Town - Jake

A quote will be nice that convinces you, because it comes out of nowhere.

No room for an Escort in that scheme.


And I’m more willing to believe Jake is Town over Cloned so.

Didn’t he claim Medium?


No, marshal did

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Nr 1 did yeah

shit no I got that from this, my b.

You. WHAT?

/vote N.1

Nr.1 is still Marshal’s slot that is what

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Jake doesn’t claim PR