ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

A thunderdome of 4 people, 3 of which are town PRs. Okay.

Itā€™s pretty obvious one personā€™s bullshitting. From what I saw in Nā€™s description of what Darth said to him, I think heā€™s more likely to be one of the truthers

Unless if Marshal created a fake description thing for N to read before he left, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s likely

And we got the thunderdome solved with ClonedCheese being scum

Gotā€™ em.

We get more out of it if we wait to lynch. Either scum narrows it down for us or cheese outs himself by using his action on someone.

Ooooooā€¦ Tell me the deets :eyes:


We actually get a ton more information if cheese is scum and he canā€™t roleblock in our pool.

Because he either has to claim a roleblock on a citizen or his scummate.

If he claims one on his scummate then that puts them in a precarious situation about who did what action etc.

If he claims one on a citizen it could look weird for him because, if our reads are okay, he intentionally avoided roleblocking scum.


Thatā€™s not an easy thing to do. The only way to know would be if Tabors dead speak had reads which donā€™t align to what hed say. And thatā€™s not the case.

What was his read on Eevee before? :thinking:

Nr.1 made PoE with Eevee/ClonedCheese/Arete

The two possibilities on the bottom of quote are eliminated

Apply Occamā€™s Razor and you will notice.

On the other hand, we could just order him to roleblock someone.

and then the thread goes silent

@Wazza Pecked order.

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??? yo what? My ToL game just finished.

Oh wait I said it wrong.

Pecking order

still donā€™t understand it.

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oh shoot I forgot about this game

aw shit like 2k posts I gotta read

carry me so I can say that I carried everyone at the end of the game