ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

I get a feeling it’s me

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I truly don’t know. I felt more confident in my reads last game…not so much this. I have Bepwei from D1, weird vibes from Frost, and I’m considering the possibility that I defended scum Arete.

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Hot take:

All PR claims are town, but some of them are Cit

I had the “Arete was Citizen faking claim” early but Arete hasn’t confirmed. The most likely citizen would be Arete or Eevee in the PR claim group.

No way every single scum is not claiming
this is not ToS it won’t be that easy

lynching outside of these PR claims is not a good idea imo

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We have one, maybe two scum in four or five people
but instead we choose to shoot blindly in the grass and hope we hit scum?

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I am not a Citizen, I am an actual Sheriff

I know. I’m sure you’d have come clean by now if you were.

Consider the original source.

there’s not a chance in hell i’d trust marshal, but N.1 sounds pretty truthful and i’m so very torn on if i want them lynched

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Nr.1 now

Who’s scum in the pool then?

There’s 1 scum in 6 people in the PR claims, and 4 more scum in 10 people.

PR Claims:

4 in 10 Pool:

By not lynching in the PR pool, we are putting the scum in that pool in a tight and limited box of what they can do the next night without outing themselves.

And in the second pool we have 4 scum. 4 in 10 vs 1 in 6 with the chance of lynching a town power role.

We should be focusing on limiting the 4 in 10 pool based on READS right now. That helps us the most.

There could also be 2 in that 4.

With a Cit PR and such

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Odds says that there’s 2 scum in all PR claims. Gamblers fallacy says it could be 1.

In the 9 or 10 citizen claims, maximum 4 are scum, but it’s 3-4/9. Best odds with citizen lynch, and it keeps the Witch in a WiFoM on who to screw over.

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2 scum what

I’m getting witch vibes - from your perspective, most likely I have a RB of some kind. Wazza’s saying that a consort would willingly RB sulit, but regardless of my alignment, witch would most likely redirect me onto a town PR claim. So Wazza saying this just looks like an excuse to say “I told you so” tomorrow


Pretty hasty, don’t you think?

My assumptions:
TI - Eevee
TP - sulit
TK - squid
RT - Darth
RT - Me
RT - Arete

I believe that N.1 (Marshal) is lying, because anyone that has read Darth D1 could give that claim. Even though N.1 is new, it is more than possible for another competent scumbuddy to have sent them what to say.

I’m suspicious of people that are saying about gambler’s fallacy and Occam - those are merely ways of distracting people from what is true.

My vote is still on N.1, and yours should be too.

I’m also still tinfoiling eevee FPSing, but their anger at being roleblocked seemed genuine, so I’m pushing that to the back of my mind

I have an hour and a half, AMA

Thoughts on Jake