ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Who are you asking, me?

I don’t have a read on Eevee and don’t plan on making one.

My brain can’t even make reads anymore since my chest feeling on Eevee went away… I’m still annoyed at him though

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we can be the PRs Semi-Outed By eevee Club

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i fail to see what your problem here is

i have a gut read that eevee is probably exactly a citizen and the way he’s playing supports that in my mind

He doesn’t have purpose, though. Bepwei is sprinkling posts like they are going on ice cream sundaes. No deduction, no reason. I haven’t seen a post I really thought, “Gee, that comes from town”.

pulls out bag of chips
This is our honorary chip bag of shame

I don’t have one, I just wanted to know who you were directing your question to.

People unvoted meanwhile

A certain german company is annoying me with ping-ponging my lawyer.


I see a direction in his posts. I don’t think he’s just sprinkling them around I see actual thought behind them. Floating around is kind of how he plays, he’s usually noncommittal, which made me scumread him in the first game I played with him like you’re doing now.

why are you a citizen


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Becouse I rolled it.

Let me repeat it: I cc Arete.

That’s a usual scumtell for most wolves, though. Granted I’m not sure how he plays because I don’t believe we’ve been in a game together, but that just means I can’t go based off metas I haven’t witnessed. This is my mountain and I will stand on it.

Why is the scumteam arete/jake/posessed/sulit(?)
And why is it so obvious

Arete has yet to do anything townie

Sherrif claim is just lul
No way does arete think they are at l-1


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Jake is Def scum too

Lul at arete and jake randing wolf buddies again

marshal why did you roll exactly marshal

If you honestly believe that’s the team you should learn how to read Arete :upside_down_face:

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