ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Weird =/= impossible

If youā€™re town, why would you want to get lynched?

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If youā€™re town, why would you want to get lynched? Iā€™m not sure if we can afford another mislynch at this point?

Iā€™m not going to consider you locktown just because youā€™re giving up. You did the same thing in Cop13 and you were scum that game

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as flattering as it is that you TR me, iā€™d suggest you donā€™t TR people specifically for defending you

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In cop13, there wasnā€™t a way I could win.

in this game, if Iā€™m lynched, the town (us) loses.

Now thatā€™s a mindmeld if Iā€™ve ever seen one

So that I can drag you down to hell with me

I donā€™t TR you for defending me I TR you because historical evidence suggests that youā€™re unable to actually produce any sort of content as scum

youā€™re going to tell me that you donā€™t have meta-tells but youā€™re wrong

If my calculations are correct, we can afford 1-2, more if SK kicks the shit out of the mafia

thatā€™s not a very high number so we should still tread carefully

You did the same thing starting on D1

the game was absolutely winnable for scum on D1

Then why the hell are you sitting around and not doing anything? Donā€™t you actually give a shit about whatā€™s going on or do you like to give up because itā€™s easier for you?

giving more situations to think about, therefore distracting town from actual truth == scummy

I give up as I donā€™t feel like defending myself, as only scum need to defend themselves. Scum are the ones without numbers

Then why is your vote not on me?

thatā€™s not how this works

thatā€™s not how any of this works

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letā€™s do the math real quick
5 scum
11 town
2 scum KPN, so if youā€™re lynched and flip town, we have 10 left
then scum will kill two players, reducing us to 8
this technically enters us into mylo as a 5v5 is generally terrible, even if not all of the 5 are on the same side

No. Mafia has teammates. Theyā€™re not alone. The SK and the witch donā€™t have anybody, but the witch can certainly help out any scum. If people have the mindset of ā€œOh, Iā€™m town. I donā€™t need to defend myself.ā€ then scum will do the same thing and nothing will get done. Thereā€™s nothing guaranteeing that what youā€™re doing isnā€™t an act to try to get everyone to townread you

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basically 11-1=10-2=8-1=7-2=5
5=5, town fucked

so squid is right, we can only afford one mislynch