ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Well, Eevee believes a Town RB shouldn’t be on an open invest claim. Also with N.1 claiming Town Support, it puts Cheese in a smaller PoE.

My opinion on Cheese? Mafia doesn’t townfirm someone by outting a RB, and if they do…they are just planning to kill them the next night anyway.

pays last respects

Bottom Line: I agree with Eevee in not lynching in PR pool, even if Eevee is doing that for personal longevity. Well get answers on NKA.

And just to be clear, invest means investigation right?

Hello? Possessed?

Yes, sorry watching football game.

Usually ‘investigation’/‘investigate’/‘investigative’ but can also refer to a specific class

How do you even defend yourself as town?

Well, if you’re getting voted, you’re probably doing it wrong.


I’d say “be natural” but apparently your natural looks scummy so.

hi hello people
should be back until 11pm PST

  1. I am escort. 'Nuff said.
  2. Bepwei doesn’t seem scummy to me; they genuinely appear to be a VT that got pranked

thus, let’s go ahead and attack someone in the non-PR pool

/vote Possessed

I think you’re still here

have you already written up your case on Possessed?

was writing one up

uno momento por favor

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I do see Possessed saying that he (?) believes I am actually escort. Which is good. However, I believe this statement contradicts it:

No we will not get answers on NK/A (which I assume to mean night kills & actions).

Consider our claims:
RT - Darth, dead = no action
RT - Me
TP - sulit the doctor
TK - squid the vet
TI - Eevee
RT - Arete/N.1 (Marshal)

I believe at most one of Arete and N.1 are town. Possibility that both are scum, in which case the last RT slot will be filled by a VT.

I’ve given up on my tinfoil that eevee is VT, but may change as things come up.
Now, if we lynch someone that is not in the TP pool, we have a very very small chance of lynching the actual witch. If we don’t, then we lose at least 1 TP. Witch might choose to redirect a TI onto the vet, in which case we lose one TI result with the potential of death of TI. But most likely witch will redirect me, in which case both my power and one of the other PRs will be lost.

Mafia will most likely choose to kill a PR; they don’t gain much from killing a VT. Although sulit can be lucky, chances are we will end up with 1 less PR, with my power wasted, and lacking investigative results. So night actions will most likely end up being useless. And since we can guess that neither scum!Arete nor scum!N.1 will want to reveal their alignment, mafia will opt to kill eevee, a “confirmed” TI. In which case we end up with the exact same thunderdome as the beginning of today.

I’d say opting for a non-TP claim is unideal, which is why I want Possessed to talk to me

After writing this all I just realized that @'ing possed would have been much more efficient than voting them


/vote N.1

@Possessed talk to me

obligatory “thank you for coming to my TED talk”

@Possessed @Arete talk to me

it stands for night kill analysis

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in which case my entire TED talk about night actions is useless lol

so where I’m at right now is like

I don’t trust N at all

I don’t really trust you either

I basically trust eevee

I think if I live through the night I’ll have a better sense of whether I can trust N, I think that if he’s fake the odds that he manages to come up with correct fake answers to all the verification questions are pretty low

and – I basically buy eevee’s math argument for lynching outside of us four? like obviously it’s an eevee-serving argument coming from him, and an Arete-serving argument coming from me, but I can’t actually find a flaw in his logic