ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

It’s mostly just a really hard feeling that frost has followed their more general scum meta.

…….So it’s a gutread

no, it’s a


That feels borderline angleshootey

Anywaý, Im not gonna bother to not do it.

While possible to fake (altho hard af), the problem with dead talking roles was always that they were provable.

Or all neighborhood making roles, regardless if to dead or alive actually.

Thing is that this time if they are it, they are town.

And it alao relies on you being escort exactly.

I asked Jgoes and he said it is allowed to ask that

well apparently the host said it was ok so :man_shrugging:

I’m tempted to invite my English major friend to read this thread and analyze the use of the phrase “meta”

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well things in that general genre

I obviously did not specify Cheese’s FRC number

Fancy y

Oh god, I can feel myself slipping away on the sanity scale. I’m going to vote Bep already, so this is a last minute call for Ace Attorney styled objections

I asked the dead to do something, Arete did too, and eevee did too

unless somehow all three of us are scum, we can confirm N.1’s role

Oh crap, I forgot my vote
/vote Bepwei
There we go

It all boils down to:
Whether or not someone in the chain on N/cloned is mafia/witch scum

If N is scum and cloned is town, they are outed.
If N and cloned are scum, they are not.
If N is town and cloned is scum, we don’t know.

What did Arete and eevee ask?

Here goes:
doesn’t it seem quite intricate for bep to be lying about the prankster?

I fully encourage as many people as possible who thinks that one of {Darth, Derps} has exchanged non-public information with them to ask N to ask them about said information

Arete asked something about a private discord message I think
idk avout eevee

I wanted him to ask Darth (/ask Derps to ask Darth) what the first question Darth ever asked me through Discord DM was

oh sorry I spoke german for a second

If Arete sent a private message to Darth/SDA, how wouldn’t that be angleshooting?