ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

wow being angry makes you say weird things

Correction: I choose to believe that bep is town

Suppose that bep was modkilled right this second and flipped scum. Now what?

well heā€™s scum, and now Iā€™d be forced to go through the possibilities associated with scum!bepwei

as previously noted, Occamā€™s razor does not give you a definitive, universally correct answer
itā€™s a way of thinking
if it helps you, itā€™s like selective memory

So why are you setting yourself up for failure?

And what plethora of possibilities are there?


alright give me a few minutes so I can spell out the possibilities of scum!bep that I didnā€™t bother to think about

I learned that being lynchbait is a bad habit, if that is youā€™re being happy about it.

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you know what Iā€™m too tired to do this
town!bep = 1 mafia role confirmed, 1 VT confirmed, lot less possibilities, probably gamesolve after todayā€™s lynch + tomorrow NKA
scum!bep = no mafia roles are confirmed, a gajillion possibilities for town PR + mafia PR combinations

either one of these can be true
but since Iā€™m lazy
I choose the first option
and I want a reason from eevee or sulit to be not lazy

alright Ima be here for the next half hour
but Iā€™m not going to be awake for EoD

take my rant on the definition Occamā€™s as just that, and try not to twist it into AI
because even if I was scum I would have done exactly that

I understand, but thereā€™s no place for either TS claim or TI claim.

Oh hi Arete, strange timing.

Iā€™m setting an alarm for half an hour before EoD and going to sleep, because that worked out super well for me last time, right? :upside_down_face:

@clonedcheese Yes, NKA = Night Kill Analysis. Basically, well draw answers from who dies tomorrow.

On N.1: The only thing that irks me about that slot is the fact that Marshal was HEAVILY using AtE to get his point across, but it turns out he was lying about his claim all along. Why would you get frustrated that others read your push as agenda-y when IT WAS PROVEN IT WAS since he was apparently lying about being Lookout? The thing with Arete was prolonged too much to be a reaction test and he should have got his answers from the play earlier. Why did he wait so long to cone clean? Was the AtE faked to make people think it was coming from town?

Like. I guarantee if everyone listened to him and voted Arete, he wouldnā€™t have came out as a deadspeaker. There was agenda on it regardless of if it came from W!Marshal or T!Marshal, and the agenda was an Arete lynch.

So Marshal x Arete conflict?

That soundsā€¦ normal?

Which brings me to Arete: Instead of focusing on N.1 slot and not letting them slip out after the shit Marshal pulled, youā€™re taking a step back and letting N.1 breath. Nobody would even blame you for parking your vote on him and letting it stay there; I probably would if I were you.

Its clear N.1 and Arete arenā€™t scum partners, so this could be indicative that Arete doesnā€™t want an Agenda lynch: Arete wants a proper lynch. This puts a few credits in the ā€œArete gamesolving as townā€ category.

Iā€™m gonna put some selfpoints in ā€œeevee is convincing enough for it to happenā€ category.

You know, for self satisfaction.

Assuming all is trueā€¦

/vote Sulit

Thatā€™s probably most logical vote.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Arete Isaac_Gonzalez 1/9
N.1 JakeTheWolfie, clonedcheese 2/9
eevee jmwjmw27 1/9
JakeTheWolfie Frostwolf103, N.1, Arete 3/9
clonedcheese Wazza 1/9
bepwei sulit, Possessed, PoisonedSquid 3/9
sulit eevee 1/9
Currently abstaining players Anjic89, Italy, Universal, bepwei 4

Logical in what actual sense?

Reminder: About an hour left and as of now the lynch will be random between @JakeTheWolfie and @bepwei

Well, I have no good reason to vote Bepwei, unless they vote me.