ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

(Excerpt from my Last Will last night)

Bepwei wagon is clean. 2 PRs who haven’t been CCed (Sulit, Squid) and Jake voting Bepwei to not get lynched. This could be indicative that Jake is, in fact…not Mafia since more Mafia would have jumped onto Bepwei and didn’t because Jake was just as good a lynch.

So I believe the Jake v Bepwei wasn’t M v T. Jake could be solo but that’s TBD.

So wait, SK hitting witch doesn’t kill it?

Yeah I was expecting to die from scum.

N was definitely gonna die what do you mean

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Bolded the part about the Witch’s one time immunity Frost

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That’s big oof move from Mafia.

Especially resolving RT’s slot.

they were basically confirmed tho

They were gonna die if Mafia knew N was what they were. While I was 98% sure N was truth telling, there’s still that 2% that N could have been lying.

I can see Cloned is scum together with Eevee only that Cloned is Prankster who lied to occupying Eevee.

gtg school

I want to see who claims the RB. Do citizens get the notification of RB?

I guess the easy way to decipher is to see who Cloned RBed and ask that person, then ask JGoes.

I’m pretty sure you get a notification from roleblocked since you get one when youre transported

bolded it

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So with that, either we determine that the person claiming RBed is Mafia with Eevee and Cheese, or that Cheese is legitimate and they all are separate.

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Tbh, with the players getting so much feedback, it’s not great for Mafia to claim a PR like Escort. If you’re RBing a townie player, people will notice.

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we need witch gone

are citizens notified that they were redirected by the witch