ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

@sulit Who did you vote, in still sheeping you

All youā€™re doing right now is sheeping me, and you arenā€™t explaining why.

Yes, I do talk about breathing all the time

If you think your Scumread on Frost is the most important, why didnā€™t you talk about it more?

Your vote should have been on Frost, but no. Your vote was on Bep to save your own skin. Instead of explaining your Scumread more in detail, you just stepped away once the blame shifts away from you

Wagon analytics suggest Jake is definitely solo

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It was actually on N1, and I moved it to Bep to save myself. N1 was my top scumread then, thanks.

Why am I solo scum as opposed to town? None of you have explained that.

You canā€™t use that argument.

Jake knows his alignment and heā€™s throwing if he lets himself get lynched.

What is that suppose to mean

What no donā€™t sheep me Iā€™m still ashamed about tabor lynch and I need to ISO but Iā€™m lazy

ā€¦This post is strange. Itā€™s like youā€™re throwing shade, but donā€™t want to admit it. Why?

Just going to ignore Jake and be pissed off at him silently

I donā€™t answer questions from people who ignore my questions.

Its a statement I made beginning of the day and is still on my Last will.

You are calling yourself a liar.

Are you angry at me, or do you think Iā€™m Arson?

A liar knows more than honest person.

Oh, not that.

I did say you shouldnā€™t leave your hang to chance, Jake. And you didnā€™t.

Alalalalala donā€™t care




You hopped from no wagon to a wagon.

Stop dodging my questions faster than your father dodged your birth