ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

…………………. Fuck this……. Fuck this…

Don’t blame me for getting mislynched every fucking game I’ve been in.

I’m sorry……. Please… Doon’t fucking ijnsult m y fijucking family like that

My hand… It can’t stop shaking…

One of my deairest family members is…

Don’t… fucking… say that to me… to anyo ne



cut it out

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I’m tired of everyone saying this out loud! THIS FUCKING PRESSURE!

It’s too fucking unbearable for me

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you’re obviously in the right here but he is probably not going to stop

would recommend taking a break from the thread for a couple hours for your own sake

I’m being serious. The only reason that I don’t is that, throughout my life it’s just gotten worse. I can no longer expect anything to go right, so I’ve become decensitized. I’m sorry Poisoned, I’m disgusted that I don’t feel terrible about your issues.

I’m sorry for snapping and… Personally, it’s nobody’s business for me to talk about what’s going on with me, but…

Goddamn it…

I wish I can vent more often

this has gotten out of hand
i suggest everyone take a break real quick until they calm down

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Squid, whatever is going on I know you can get through this. You are a strong person who has obviously been through a lot, but I know that you can come out of your battles victorious. And in the end, all of this is a learning experience. I also had my fair share of suffering, multiple times where I wished to just no longer continue. But now that I look back on it, I am glad I went through it. Because now when people come to me, and ask me for help or even simple questions such as “How can you smile all the time” I can come and help. Some people have even dubbed me like a hero, though I don’t believe it at all.

But the bottom line is Squid, you can get through this. You can show the world what you are made of. Which is 80% SQUID, AND 20% POISON, AND 100% AWESOMENESS. And with the knowledge you emerge with this, you can become someone’s hero. The battle’s already won, we just gotta figure out the date and time :smiley:


…… I think I’m done talking for the night. If anyone wants to ask me anything for opinions on things, let me know tomorrow.

…… Thank you for your understanding

…… And thank you, Uni… I really appreciate you.

Jake, desensitization is a huge issue many people are facing today. But it doesn’t make you any less human. I understand your frustration. When Kai pushed me a few games back on the basis of me just being a noob and fluff posting, I also admit that I lost my rationality to anger. I can’t even imagine how it must feel to be as frequently mislynched and wrongly accused as you have been. For you to even consider being on another game is a strength and faith I believe I don’t even possess. So it’s only natural for you to go on insults and blind rage in order to vent your true thoughts. But know that those aren’t the only way to do so. Simple things like playing some music, going for a walk, and even playing video games can help bring you back to reality man. I know you are a cool dude and I really enjoyed the game you hosted back a month ago or so.

You can beat back that anger you felt and become an even better and greater person. You already are greater than me in faith for you to be able to continue like this. You got this Jake. And if ya want, we can go into some games together so we can get better at reads. God knows I need to if I ever wanna be as good as someone like Marshal or Arete xP


@JakeTheWolfie has been suspended for a month for breaking Rule [2] of the Global/Forum rules.

For appeals please contact any moderator through discord.


/Replace in??? if available??? @Jane

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DatBird has replaced JakeTheWolfie.


Jake claimed Jailor earlier, can you confirm whether that’s correct? It’s kind of important for sorting through all the PR claims.

Not at all, just a cit. Dont really know what the plan there was with that unless he was trying and get hit by a nk

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
clonedcheese PoisonedSquid, Wazza 2/8
eevee clonedcheese 1/8
jmwjmw27 Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
DatBird Arete, jmwjmw27, Frostwolf103, DatBird 4/8
Frostwolf103 sulit 1/8
Currently abstaining players Possessed, Anjic89, eevee, Italy, Universal 5